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My new rules for play

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My new rules for play

Post by Claudius »

1. You have to start the game as the class who you plan on ascending to. Except war witch can be any. This adds some flavor imo.

2. No photocopiers. If you sell a spell back to a merchant they photocopy it and then have that spell. No more.

3. Sell ketals, scrolls, crystals, and books to a arms dealer. Even if the arms dealer ends up with one of those to sell you may not buy it. This is to enforce number 2.

4. You may not use nether magic recipes that you have not purchased at a store or drops. This prevents poison clouds in fargrove, etc. If you have never played the game then don't play by these rules probably and experiment with the ketals.

5. Honor. Each time you level you must put a point in honor.

6. Dimorphism. You are not allowed to spend points on an attribute unless it is the lowest pointed attribute cost excluding honor. For example you are a thrall and want to ascend to crusader with 45 strength. Its going to take awhile. You will still get the ascension eventually and you will treasure it.

7. Death. Keep save games you need them. This is not death is death. But there is a penalty. The first time you die with the option of respawning with a penalty you must do so. Run away save the game. For the rest of that encounter you may reload. That last bit is to prevent me from getting frustrated that I have lost so much experience and have to start from the beginning. Life crystals you must respawn without penalty as much as possible and then the first time without penalty the clock starts on the 1 death with penalty. Life crystals become valuable.

8. Ammendment to above. You may reload if you are cornered or something without a chance of life.

9. Not a zoo. There shouldn't be an encounter every two seconds. easy encounter spawn rate. This isn't just easier. Less gold. Less xp. Anti grinding. For example with high spawn rates you can be super high level with 150 novas that trivialize every encounter of many spawns.

Edit: I found the size and sparsity of mobs displeasing and preferred medium medium. I would really like a random setting which is usually medium and medium but fluctuates randomly for more variation.

10. Surprise but dangerous random monsters. Encounter difficulty to high.

11. No bargaining for profit. No exploiting bargaining by buying and reselling for profit or vice versa. This makes rogues actually cool

12. Another cool thing about rogues. For non strength races it will be a long time before they can bash locks. By that time they won't need the loot. Unless a zaur dwarf or urgoth you probably need to invest in lockpicking.

13. No mountain climbing.

14. Maybe some more.

15. No bashing chests unless your strength is 8x the level of the chest/lock.

16. No reloading at chests
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