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Have I blown it with Marketh

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 12:52 am
by lummoxybez

Okay, I've gone into the palace in Dorn's Deep and confronted Marketh. As it was my pally who did the talking, he said he would administer justice on the miscreant, to which Marketh simply teleported away.

Now I can't catch him as each time I see him he just does the same thing before I can get off a spell.
I even tried to pickpocket him with my thief but he has nothing to steal.

Any help?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:15 am
by Endugu
Are you using the "unfinished business" mod?

IIRC, that one restores Marketh's teleport ring, but I don't know how exactly it has been implanted - i.e. it might be a bug and he's impossible to catch.

But I think you have to talk to Ginafae about the ring.
Not sure if you can do this after talking to Marketh, but it might be worth a try! :)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:57 am
by lummoxybez
Yeah, I installed unfinished business.
I did talk to Ginafae first but said I couldn't promise anything.

I guess I'll need to post on the G3 forum in case this is a bug.