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Specialist mages?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:18 am
by MathiasO
Which one is the best?

I'm thinking of course as all of you out there - the conjurer - but hey, since I want some challenge I'm not going to play it. I was thinking maybe Invoker? Many says it's one of the worst choices since "you lose two schools"... I'm not! I'm only losing enchantment/charm of which school isn't that great either (okey, G.Malison and maybe Feeblemind is the really downside here) but else there ain't much more. I'm taking suggestions. I'm playing a good mage which means a Necromancer isn't really that RPG wise either.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:59 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Well, Conjurer IS the best specialist. Illusionist or Enchanter aren't bad, or for some fun try a Wild Mage.

Really, Invoker is about the worst option possible - no Conjuration so no summons aside from Skellies (IIRC), and no Charm spells. That means no Emotion, no Hold Person, no Chaos, no Domination, no Greater Malison, no Power Words...if all you want a mage for is to fling fireballs and Haste/Dispel things then great, but there are wands, items, and potions for that.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:37 am
by MathiasO
Haha, again; read what I'm saying. You're only losing the enchantment/charm school as an invoker. Not conjuration/summoning. I know that's the case in BG1 but not for me in BG2/ToB.

However, intressting choice; enchanter and illusionist. I mean both of which loses two very important schools of magic - I'm thinking invocation and necromancy. Necromancy is THE loser low level perhaps but later in the game there are some really powerful spells (Finger of Death, Abi-Dalzim etc.) Haha, I've decided!! I'll stick with the regular mage =)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:58 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
MathiasO wrote:Haha, again; read what I'm saying. You're only losing the enchantment/charm school as an invoker. Not conjuration/summoning. I know that's the case in BG1 but not for me in BG2/ToB.
Really? 'Cos on the Gamebanshee BG2 info page it says [url=""]Invokers lose both Conjuration AND Enchantment[/url].
It could be wrong, but if so that's probably worth letting Buck (the site owner) know about.

Really, unless you're using your mage primarily to nuke stuff Invocation isn't that important (especially when you get wands for fireballs etc - Chromatic Orb/Magic Missile is a bit of a loss for sheer convenience against mooks and Sequencers respectively), and the only real losses from Necromancy are Skeletons (which a Cleric can cover anyway), Abi-Dhalzim's, and the occasional Skull Trap. Finger of Death etc are nice and Death spells are great for getting rid of pesky summons, but IIRC you can get those from items too. If you're using a mage to best effect in a party situation they'll mostly be buffing, summoning, dispelling and casting disabling spells, and letting your fighter-types mop up the helpless rabble.