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XP Question
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 2:26 am
by CtrlAltDel
So the xp cap is 2.5mill in SoA, i got that much. So if you install ToB before you are done with SoA you still can hit the 2.5 cap in SoA right? And if you use an XP cap remover it gets reset to 2.5 mill when you import right?
just a little clarification is all
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 3:29 am
by prime_dweller
The XP cap in SoA is 2.950.000.
If you install ToB, the cap is raised to 8M, even if you haven't finished SoA yet.
However, if you used an XP cap remover before installing ToB, you may be in trouble because of the high-level abilities - you have to choose them as you level up, and if you already levelled up, you missed the opportunity.
If you import a character from a cap-removed game, the XP only resets to 2.95M if you DON'T have ToB OR the cap remover installed.
If you need to uninstall the cap remover, just delete or rename the file XPCAP.2DA from the override directory.
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 12:21 pm
by Xyx
Wait a sec... What happens if:
- I install ToB (places a new XP cap file in the Override)
- I install a cap remover (goes over the ToB cap file)
- I delete the cap remover
I would go back to the SoA cap, right?
Is there a way to go back to the
ToB cap?
Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 12:36 pm
by fable
Sure. Save your saved games folder, uninstall, then reinstall SoA and ToB.
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 12:02 am
by Sabre
Put the cap remover back in, open it with Note Pad and replace all the -1 with 8000000.
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 9:15 pm
by CtrlAltDel
thx guyz, just wanted to make sure that it didnt reset to the 2.9 when i started ToB (im playing SoA with ToB installed)