Stuck in ebon hawk after leviathan! SERIOUSLY, HELP!
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:38 am
Cheers, i'm new here. The things is: i got captured by leviathan, fought with darth malaak, bastilla sacrificed herself, me and carth returned to ebon hawk, then i shoot those ships. Well, after that, carth says that bastilla didn't come and bla bla bla, but then it happens! I can't do anything from that point on, i'm stuck in ebon hawk. I can ask carth what's his opinion about raven, i can ask jolee why he came with me, ask tk-47 if i can repair him, and when i talk to canderous, the only thing he says is that he has nothing to talk about and we gotta get moving, but that's all. Other than that, i can roam around ebon hawk. The galaxy map is not available and, yeah, i'm pretty much stuck.
I wanna end this game! Anyone?
I wanna end this game! Anyone?