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Anyone play a stright fighter kit these days.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 5:36 am
by WizardSlayerFanatic
I was wondering anyone play a straight fighter class or kit as most of you guys/gals go for dual or multi class but never straight or is the straight fighter class not getting what it deserves.

PS are there anyone who play as a pure fighter class or kit these days. :eek:

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 6:08 am
by Curdis

Straight fighter kits are the only way to get to grandmastery (5star proficencies) but tend to be pretty much slap heal slap heal without much in the way of tactics. You get most of the benefits of a fighter pretty much by 9th level so dualing is very popular.

My Bezerker was pretty much dull by the time I got to 9th level but then I dualed to Druid! I have Korgan in the party and my 13th level Druid has better attacks than he does (duel wielding).

So I guess you could say there are plenty of us playing straight fighter kits - - - until we dual ! - Curdis

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 11:26 am
by Yuusuke
Well I use Korgan quite a bit, and he's a straight fighter kit I suppose :D -16 THAC0 rocks pretty hard.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 11:53 am
by Luther
I'm using a straight fighter right now basically because I wanted my main character to be able to use every kick-butt weapon in the game and go up to grand mastery. It can be bland but sometimes simplicity is the best policy. Seems realistic too since not everyone can have the unique background to be a mysterious kensai-invoker-assassin, or whatever.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 5:31 pm
by Xyx
Duals can also attain Grand Mastery...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 10:58 am
by Zaha
I played a straight kensai trough SoA and ToB. Well, he hasn't much use for tactics (they're for the NPC:s...) but he does quite well with simple brute force. In the end of ToB he was wielding Foebane +5 and Angurvadal +5, had 24 total strength and 5 attacks per round (9 with imp. haste). His THACO was around -35 in main hand and two less in second hand. His AC wasn't all that good, but he could take a nice amount of beating with Hardiness. With Critical Strike or Kai he could hit a huge amount of damage on a single turn.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 5:45 am
by aberrant80
did something prompt u to think ppl don't like straight fighters anymore? funny, i've read a lot of threads with berserkers and kensais as their main char in this and in other forums.

fighters are the masters of weapons.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2001 11:57 pm
by vallik
i got a straight fighter using the crom
i also got a kensai that has -28 thaco with main hand axe of undieing and -25 with off hand celestial fury with the big metal suit
-24 ac he is unstopable