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1000 Ducat helmet

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:20 pm
by Skuggi
Bullhornhelmet of Power, is it worth the 1000 Ducat fee? Has anyone bought it?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:18 am
by Darkless
I did. Despite the horrible look it's pretty good and it is the only way to get a bonus to social abilities through equipment, plus at a certain point of the game (let's say after hammerbag) you should have tons of coins to waste. (You can easily make them by forging and selling perfect greatswords).

Anyway here's the stats:

Armor: head 6 (Highest armor level for an helmet in the game)
Weight: 0 (pretty good to reduce encumbance since helmets with same armor rating are far more heavy)
Intimidate, Seduce, Fast Talk +10

Can be worn by mages but all spell's astral energy cost is raised by 3.

The only better helmet is the elven one you get in the expansion.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:04 am
by GawainBS
Expansion to River of Time? What did I miss? Is it available outside the US?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:40 am
by Lemmus
GawainBS, that would be Phileasson's Secret, released in English about a year ago. I'm not certain what it's full international availability is, but it is on Steam, although you need the Steam version of River of Time to buy it that way. I bought my copy of both on Direct2Drive (now GameFly), but it looks like that site no longer has it for sale.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:50 am
by GawainBS
Damn. I have RoT in hardcopy from Amazon, that was the only way I could get it. Thanks anyway.