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Watchers Keep

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2001 12:41 am
by Deadmeat
Hi there.....

I have a question....
Can somewone tell me how I shall beat Demorgorgon when I get to him. I'm at the....Third floor right now with the demons and i've heard that you should trick Odren down to Demorgorgon....But can somewone tell me how to do it...Should I listen to what Demorgorgon says if he says something at all.
I thought you just should fight him down and get some sort of reward from Odren...


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2001 10:33 am
by Coot
You don't have to worry about Demo until you get to him. Fighting him and/or tricking Odren is something you can decide just then.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2001 10:54 am
by Johnny
You don't have to kill Demogorgon (if you do, Odren will rebuke you for freeing him to the Abyss). If you do want to kill him, I won't go into all the strategies, but I'll just say that the cloudkill cheese works on him.