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Won't get SS of BS after killing Mae'Var

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:04 pm
by Courtade
So I did everything as I should, then returned to R. Bloodscalp. There I recieved lots of exp and a proposal to run my own guild (I play as an Assassin), but didn't recieved the Shortsword of Backstabbing. Needless to say, I looked forward to obtain it and now I'm quite sad seeing my only chance to be missed.
Can't help but wonder if it's because the offer to manage the guildhall. But I find it unthinkable that every other class can get this sword (I got it with my Jester in another playthrough) besides the only ones (excluding Stalkers) who can actually able to perform backstabs.
Is there any explanation to this?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:27 pm
by galraen
If you accept the offer of the guild you don't get the sword, if you turn the offer down however you do get it. Personally I found the guild pretty worthless the only time I accepted it, so never did again in vanilla mode.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:57 am
by Courtade
Thanks. I'm beginning to get the same idea.. But I just accepted it for the greedy character that I play.
I still have one question: does this involves the job of me visiting my guild EVERY SINGLE WEEK to get the money out and arrange everything? So I can't leave the place for longer periods for the whole SoA-part of the game? Because that sounds more like a nuisance to me.
Accept my humble thank you for clearing it up in advance :)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:31 am
by Curry
Courtade wrote:Thanks. I'm beginning to get the same idea.. But I just accepted it for the greedy character that I play.
I still have one question: does this involves the job of me visiting my guild EVERY SINGLE WEEK to get the money out and arrange everything? So I can't leave the place for longer periods for the whole SoA-part of the game? Because that sounds more like a nuisance to me.
Accept my humble thank you for clearing it up in advance :)
IIRC you'll get an NPC messenger tell you when the guild quests are available.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:57 am
by Courtade
Guild quests? Alright! If it involves something else than boring management, especially quests than I'm bought. And now that I sat down I came to an agreement that since I am a thief myself, it would be better to grab this oppurtunity. I want to get as much out of this class as I can.

Thanks for your quick answer mate!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:28 pm
by galraen
There are no quests as such, apart from one ambush in Waukeen's Promenade. Other than that it's just about managing your guild, occasionally maybe springing one of your thieves who got caught.