Curry wrote:What's the point? You have a custom party and custom enemies and a ****load of mods. Sure, it's probably challenging but that's hardly BG2 anymore.
Your statement can be true only for Roleplay value of the game, and even then one could argue.
Not to mention, that Aerie will not talk about her horrible past in the circus, when Jon is blasting the party with spells in hell, thus roleplay value of Bioware NPC's over custom ones is non-existing in this case.
Doing it with Minsc and others, would basically be the very same. These are - for the most part - the same classes (and as mention before, Their personalities do not matter at all, when fighting).
Which leads us to enemies. Is Jon different? No. Jon is still the tormented, exiled elf, who wants your soul for himself. What is different then? The monsters that fight alongside him. But do you really care that much for the four demons that fight for Jon in vanilla, or are we just having a pointless scene here?
That leaves fight mechanics and AI. Are you aware, that all abilities used by foes in this fight, are also present in vanilla game? They were just piled together, to strengthen the enemies in this encounter. So that taking your soul back no longer takes 10 seconds. Making the fight for your very soul - in the depths of hell and after an epic journey - grander, seems to me like a step TOWARDS a worthy BG2 experience. It's the opposite : Using protection from magic scrolls, abusing invisibility powers of staff of magi and so on, that makes it "No longer BG2".
It's not a walk in the park, or killing kobolds in Neshkel mine. You fight for your soul, with the most tragic, and very powerful villain. In saga with scale and stakes as epic as in Baldur's Gate it's easy fights that kill the atmosphere.
The point of the video however, is that many people use these difficulty-affecting mods (Are you aware that almost nothing else than abilities / scripting / adds is changed? Did you know that i use four mods? Is four "****loads"?)
If you wrote, that you hated the video / me / the game / my voice / my commentary / my tactics, i wouldn't mind at all. If you claimed to have beaten it much faster, I'd probably agree that it's possible, as i failed time and again.
Hell, You could even waltz in here with "Hi, I'm Curry and i ****** hate you, die", and i would answer it with a smile.
Instead, You've written a post that begs to start an argument. Your sole reason, was to either troll the hell out of this thread or derail it back to stone age. Well done.
In short : Thank You for Your comment. Kind responses such as yours are always welcome.
I apologize if any part of my post offended You.