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How to make Gothic 3 work on my PC?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:45 am
by kirov37
I got this old pc from 2005, and the specs are:
amd athlon x2 2.3ghz 4400+
1gb ddr2 ram
nvidia 7300gt

I tried playing Gothic 3 with CP 1.74 installed but i've been having some lag spikes, i think it is because of loading of new areas but it happens really often like every 5-10 minutes. I've been reading threads where people were saying that they ran Gothic 3 fine with only 1gb ram and gpu and cpu worse than mine because of some ini tweaks. Can someone tell me how can I tweak Gothic 3 so I can run it well enough to be playable?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:35 am
by Gokyabgu
Sorry, but the engine of Gothic 3 is pretty demanding and still lagging despite of modern systems. Your graphics card is the bottleneck here. For it's really low even to the standarts of game's released year 2006. And also you need at least 2 gb ram to run the game with less stuttering.

I've played the game on my old machine: Athlon 2500+, 1 gb ram, Geforce 6600GT, WinXP SP2. It was not unplayable, but sometimes it has waited too much to load in the middle of the game. My graphics card was above average by that time, but even with it I could only play it with medium graphic settings.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:07 am
by Stworca
With 5470 Radeon, 3GB Ram and a Tri-core Intel i still lag at times, especially when drawing a torch out. CP or not, the game is simply not suited to run smoothly on any PC, aside from the top notch ones. (and even then i expect there to be slowdowns and lag)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:54 pm
by kirov37
Aww thats too bad, really wanted to see the ending of the story.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:12 am
by Curry
You will need the Gothic 3 Community Patch. It improves performance a lot.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:13 pm
by kirov37
Well, I installed the patch but I noticed that ge3.ini was changed so I tweaked the old .ini guided by forums and I put it into enhanced edition and it seems working. Well thanks for help, that community patch thing made me research through some tweaks. Game still lags but I think its playable enough and I think it would also lag on high end PCs (but much lower tho).

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:39 pm
by DesR85
kirov37 wrote:Game still lags but I think its playable enough and I think it would also lag on high end PCs (but much lower tho).
I did try the game on a Core 2 Duo machine with 4GB of RAM and a 512MB Geforce 9600GT card and it did perform smoothly, aside from the slight pause in between while playing. This is after applying the latest community patch.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:49 pm
by kirov37
Well I am at ending of the game Innos path. Meh it gotten kinda boring now. Anyone know is the Forsaken Gods expansion worth playing?