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Game Mod Questions & A Dash of Tech Support (Infinite wisdom of Stworca required :D)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:54 pm
by Novos

First and foremost thank you to everyone who made my first bg2 solo experience possible and helped me out along the way (Especially Stworca). It was a blast to play my favorite game of all time in a whole new light.

Unfortunately there is no heaven without hell, and I'm having some major gameplay issues. Wondering if any of you knew of a patch that can fix them.

Before I start listing the issues, Let me list the download order.

1. SoA - Full Version

2. ToB - Full Version

3. Level Cap Remover here: Sorcerer's Place - Download

4. SoA & ToB Official Bugfixes here: Sorcerer's Place - Download BG2ThroneOfBhaalFixPack.rar

Ok so heres whats happening...

1. I cant play Throne of Bhall. All the new features and spells are available in SoA mode, but I cant physically play the expansion. Keep sayign to insert expansion disc... Its there.

2. Biggest problem: I CANT PLAY MULTIPLAYER! Every time I do it gives me the error message "An Assertion failed at InfScreenSave.cpp at line 1590"

I can basically open a multiplayer game just fine, but then when I go to save it this happens...

About the mods...

I would love to play some extra content as well as quests that were left out of the game that you fine people have taken upon yourselves to complete. Does anyone have any recommendations for what mods to install?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much guys,
- Robby

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:47 am
by Stworca
I don't know the fixpack from Sorcerers, and unless it's just a repost of g3 fixpack (or official patch), then i never installed it either.

At any rate.
Fully De-Install the game (including folders and registry)
Install the game once again, pick "Full install" on both SoA and ToB (recommended) If you run windows 7, you might also chose a different location than Program Files. I have my BG2 on "C:/A to E/Baldur's Gate 2"
Install the official patch [url=""](this)[/url]
Check if the game is working (if not, then the problem is with your CD's / install mechanics)
Install g3 fixpack [url=""](this)[/url] and don't install any other fixes or patches afterwards, That will cause problems.

The game MUST work at this point. You add everything else on top of the above. Just make sure to read the text files attached to all mods, to make sure that they are compatible.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:00 am
by Dummy
i also would always recommend to save such an original basic installation and copy it somewhere so you can dont need to redo it always you want a different set of mod setting

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:26 am
by Novos
@Stworca: Awesome thanks a bunch. I'm gonna try it when I get home from work :P

@Dummy: Thats a great idea!! Might just install a copy on one of my USB drives... Make things go alot quicker.

Alright so the only thing left is some Mod recommendations. I'm hearing some incredibly interesting things about a mod that allows all stronghold quests? Now does this make your main character elegible for all of them? I would prefer one that gives the pally stronghold to a pally in my party, mage stronghold to mage, so on and so forth. Is that how it works? Would one download most of these mods on sorc's place?

Also read some interesting things about "conquering" Ust'Natha on Stworca's Tactical Mod page.

I want to play as much content as I can, any referrals for must have mods would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a bunch everyone,
- Robby

P.S. What's SCSII? Sorry for all the jackassy questions im just fairly new to modding this game... Thanks again!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:07 pm
by Daynov

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:56 am
by Novos
Ok a bit of an update

@Stworca: I reinstalled the entire game and it seems to be doing the same sh_t... I did a complete uninstallation but it still seems to be retaining a few things, my characters for one. What was that you were saying about deleting the registry? Also that g3 fixpack is a bit confusing, its giving me files that I can't execute. Was I just supposed to throw those in override?

@Daynov: Thanks a bunch :) Sounds pretty awesome. I've been all over G3 and Pocket Plane and there's so many hundreds of mods with cool looking quest packs... Though im not sure which one to install... Some of them dont mention anything about compatibility with SCSii.

Does anyone have some recommendations for some must have mods that generally cause no problems with compatibility?

**UPDATE** Cancel mod request, been doing a load of reading and I've found out what I want and don't want, whats good and what isnt. Maybe I'll make a post for newbies to modding, thanks a bunch everyone. Still having trouble with playing ToB though, cant manage to fully remove the game even after uninstallation and deleting all folders and trace of the game. Strange...