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Custom spells?!
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 6:20 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
Right now i'm working on an spell pack hopfully containing MANY MANY high quality spells and is well balanced, but the problem is i'm lacking some ideas i could use some ideas!!
Got any spells that you want to see in game post details on them and i'll see if its possiable for me to do it
this include tob and Soa
DON'T forget Priests or druids!!!!! i'm going to see if i can't make some more spells for mage, priests, and druids. so i'll need idea for spells, and oh yeah do say what class u want it to be in priest, druids, mages, etc...
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 7:32 pm
by Arch_Angel
How about a spell that enables the wizard to pick pockets? It could be something like the wizard has a 5% chance/level of suceeding. Eg. a 10th level wizard would have a 50% chance of getting the item.
I was also thinking that an improved magic missile would be good, it would shoot out multiple magic missile attacks to targets, 1 target/level up to a max of 4 or 5 perhaps?
Whirl wind, small area effect spell where tagets must save vs spell or be knocked back and possibly stunned.
That's about all I can think of off hand, I hope that these don't make the spell caster too powerful.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 9:28 pm
by leeho730
It's possible to shoot up to 9 magic missile, so why not upgrade magic missile
Magic Missile (Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Use of the Magic Missile spell, one of the most popular first level spells, creates up to nine missiles of magical energy that dart forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target, which must be a creature of some sort. Each missile inflicts 1d4+1 (actually 2d2+1) points of damage. For every two extra levels of experience, the wizard gains an additional missiles - he has two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, four at 7th level, and so on to a maximum of nine missiles at 17th level.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 9:37 pm
by two
Just some quick ideas:
1) High level buff spell, adds 5 experience levels to a character but just for 10 rounds. (temporary xps of course).
2) Quicksand: higher level web spell, increased negative on spells (5th level?)
3) Metaspells (lengthen -- increases duration of next spell cast by 2x, power -- increases damage of next spell by some amount, multiple -- increases static effect of next spell by 2x) these may be very complicated to make work I don't know. But you know what I mean. Cast metaspell duration -- then cast mirror image. mirror image lasts 2x longer than before.
4) Druid stuff, animate tree (cast outside, creates ent-like creatures that are, literally, gnarly); One_with_the_earth (immobilizes druid but doubles HitPoints and takes 50% less damage from all damage for 10 rounds)
5) Cleric, Transubstantiation (replace a magic item with another magic item from a random list after sacrificing it), Holy Trance (immune to damage from all sources for period of time; cleric may only cast healing/buff spells on comrades without losing the trance), Arms of Shiva (Vishna? My mythology is weak here) cleric gets 3 attacks/round with preferred weapon, lasts 10 rounds
Just off the top of my head, if these are helpful I'll make a real list after thinking about it some, just let me know.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 10:55 pm
by leeho730
Some NPCs, like Keldorn and Anomen could summon avatar (remember the statue outside the temple?) of their deities for a short period of time (say 5 rounds).
Summon Avatar (Conjuration)
Level: Quest
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Upon completion of this spell, caster will be able to summon the avatar of her faith. Avatar summoned has innate immunity to magic and weapons of +5 and less and its weapon is considered +6. Its class is dependent on deity being summoned; for example, Helm's avatar will be 50th level cleric whereas Torm's avatar will be 50th level paladin. Caster must concentrate on the avatar for the duration of spell; caster will be held for 5 rounds. The casting of this spell is also very draining on the priest and she will likely require rest immediately afterwards, as it will cause days worth of fatigue almost instantaneously. Finally, there is a small chance of deity being angry: caster and her party will be immediately smitten with fireball (6D10 with save vs. spell for half damage) and no avatar is summoned.
- 100% immunity to magic and environmental damage
- innate absolute immunity
- innate improved alacrity (well that means avatar has spells).
- carries +6 weapon, +3 armor and +4 shield
- immune to mind-affecting magic and mind-flayer attack (carrying greenstone amulet?)
- can transport at will
- 5 attacks per round
- can summon devas at will for 5 rounds at a speed factor of 0.
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 11:05 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
Thanks that's some good ideas, some of them could be little hard but i'm looking forward to the challenge, like that meta spell uh i got no clue how to do it but if i ever get off my rear and learn scripting then i probably could figure out someway to do it, the others probably can do them.
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 1:40 am
by kjvail
One thing AD&D had ALOT of (prior to 3rd edition) was spells, the most comprehensive listing you'll find is the Wizard and Priest spell compendiums, both are still available at you favorite game store. The wizard set is 4 books and the priest's set is 3 books. These books contain pretty much EVERY spell in the game from every 'official' source (i.e. game world books, dragon magazine, polyhedron magazine, various supplements, etc)
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 2:17 am
by kjvail
I walked away after my last post then started thinking hehe.... what BG REALLY lacks is the true power of the necromancer. My highest level PnP AD&D character is a dual classed 19 necro/9 psionicist and with a combo of various spells, all researched or acquired in their native settings, he's basically indestrutible and a killing machine. A necro in BG however is stripped of his most important spells. Where is enervation or spectral hand or his power over undead? These are basic spells used by necro's.
Level 1 spell
Command undead - caster gains the ability to command undead as an evil cleric of equal level.
Level 4 spell
Enervation temporarily (duration in hours) drains 1 level / 4 PC levels, is a ranged spell with an attack roll and save for 1/2.
Level 2 spell
Spectral hand allows the necro to deliver level 1-4 touch attack spells at range thru the hand, the hand can be destoyed, magic weapons to hit, AC 2, any hit destroys and causes 1d4 damage to casting mage.
Also the illusionist is crippled in BG, where are the shadow conjuration or shadow evocation spells? These spells simulate lower level conjurations and evocations. They are specifically:
Level 4
Shadow monsters - simulates monster summoning I, creatures are illusionary but cause damage in combat if not disbelieved (dispeled in BG by true sight, oracle.. etc)
Creatures only have 20% normal hps
Shadow Magic - simulate any evocation spell upto level 3, spells cause 40% normal damage
Phantasmal killer - causes targets greatest fear to manifest, target must save or fight the creature, if creature hits, target dies of fright
Level 5
Demi shadow monsters - same as shadow monsters, simulated monster summoning II, creatures have 40% hps
Demi-shadow magic - same as shadow magic but cause 40% damage and can simulate level 4 evocations
Level 9
Weird - a combo of phantasmal killer and maze, greatest fear manifests, fight occurs (no save), target must win fight or die.
Other possible illusions : phantasmal force, spectral force, permanent illusion, programmed illusion.. these are the bread and butter of the illusionist specialist, without 'em the illusionist is a very very weak mage.
All these just pop into mind as HUGE holes left by BioWare, invest in the books if you're really into this project... 100s of spells in there
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 2:20 am
by kjvail
Demi-shadow magic should be 60% damage, sorry typo.. its late.
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 9:22 am
by Craig
Change Animate dead so it goes 1st-14th skelleton 15th to 25th bone gollem
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 9:28 am
by Craig
O yeah
Jernds impending doom
- .Immune to all damage Until hit made
.3d6 damage
.Save Vs spell
Jernds Venemous Swarm
- .Area affect
.Party friendly
.1d4 damage a round plus 6 poison a round
.Miscast magic
.Save Vs spell or blindness
[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: craig ]
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 7:21 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
Thanks for the ideas, and yeah i'm working on geting my hand on those priest and wizard handbooks, and stuff but i am haveing hard time finding them localy so i guess i'll have to use the net.
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:59 pm
by leeho730
Some metaspells (in the AD&D 2nd rule book):
Spell extension I, II & III (Alteration)