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Legend of Grimrock: Tomes of Knowledge

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:03 pm
by Castiel
Legend of Grimrock: Tomes of Infinite Wisdom

Does anyone know exactly how many Tomes of Knowledge are in the game and their locations? The walkthrough/secret guide/equipment database seem to be a little off on the subject.

> Spoiler
I distinctively remember the existence of at least TWO Tomes of Knowledge in the game, though I can be wrong.

I know for a fact there is one at Level 4 (though not listed in the equipment database), and another one somewhere throughout the game (there's a note in the equipment database that lists it on Level 9, but there are no references to it in the walkthrough or the secret guide, which makes me reluctant to believe it...).

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:07 am
by Stworca
These are called Tomes of Infinite Wisdom, and are mentioned both in secrets and walkthrough.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:11 am
by Castiel
Ah yes, infinite wisdom, not knowledge. Searching for the keyword "tome" led to further mislead as the second mention of it uses the word "book".

Walkthrough is indeed flawless. It's only the equipment database who needs a few updates, which is what caused the confusion.

All done here.