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Most Infuriating Battles

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:12 pm
by LastDanceSaloon
Which encounters in Icewind Dale 2 have, at some point, made you swear your a$$ off? :)

For me it would be, in chronological order:

The Brass Monkeys
Battle Squares
The Guardian (and run for the exit)
The 'invisible' Prisoner
The costly Boatman
The Final Battle

:angry: :confused: :p

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:55 pm
by toughchan
the damn monk trial...

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:36 am
by murph
Any battle were a mind affecting spell caused one of my guys to pull new guys into the fight (umber hulks were a cakewalk, until they caused my tank to crash into some red gentlemen on the other side of the screen).

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:38 pm
by LastDanceSaloon
Yes indeed, the whole stretch from the Monk trials to meeting Malavon in the Underdark is just strewn with infuriating encounters!

I must have exhausted every swear word known to humanity before I finally realised how to breeze through the Brass Monks trial, then, just as I'm getting over that ordeal I'm confronted by four insane Iron Golems, shot at by a hoard of crossbows, sent dizzy by Umberhulks and then, just to round things off, mauled by a pack of Polar Bears backed up by not one but three wizards and a clutch of expert marksmen!

I swear I was inventing brand new, never heard before by any human ears, swear words by that point :p

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:10 am
by murph
You got off easy :p , those umberhulks sent my tank crashing into the wizards/marksmen. To make things worse, my wizard and sorcerer had carpet-bombed most of the map with web in a failed attempt to stop my tank, trapping my guys close together, then the AoE spells started...

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:17 pm
by Stworca
The monk trial on HoF without a monk.

That would be about it.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:48 pm
by Philos
Last Dance,
You listed my main three.

The monk tests get me riled because it seemed like someone in Black Isle really thought monks were cool and therefore made an entire (and unavoidable) section around them. Only alternative to doing the challenge is to slay everyone which to me is unaccaptable as I prefer good aligned parties.

Battle Squares is irritating but would not be bad IF it it not take "forever" to finish. 250 fights, come on really!!! I now use the Ease of Use mod even though it does not yield quite as much experience points as when I actually do them all.

The last time I fought The Last Battle it bacame frustrating as it was taking forever to finish. I didn't remember it taking that long my first time through. I was slowly wearing down Isair but after about 45 minutes I finally said "enough" and changed the difficulty to easy. Done in 3 more minutes. :)

I didn't think the Umberhulk and Huntsman cavern was that bad. each....

The Iron Golems are tough, I fortunately lucked into a good solution my first time through.