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The Darkest Day v1.14

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 11:20 pm
by Space Invader
Since the last time I tried this mod was 7 years ago and it seems that a lot of bugs have been fixed since then, I decided to give it another chance.
My question is: has anyone tried this version and can provide some kind of feedback?

PS. I wil play it along with a lot of other mods, so if you know of possible incompatibilities please report them

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 2:34 am
by Rancid Sushi
It's probably still incompatible with Improved Small Teeth Pass from the Tactics mod.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:46 am
by Space Invader
I'm pretty sure the dragons and the mage can coexist, I simply hope the won't kill it by accident!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:18 am
by Space Invader
Mmmh... It seems you were right.
But I manage to fix it by simply deleting the AR1700.are file from the override folder.
In this way the mage of TDD will be present but there won't be the dragons (better like this imo, too stupid that 4-8 dragons of different colors gather in the same place for no reason)