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Kevin Dorner and like minded fellows please help

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 10:49 am
by average joe
I recently purchased a new computer, which i am extremely happy with. Everything seems to be installed and running correctly. I'm having a bit of trouble with BGII ToB, however. I recently installed both SoA and then the expansion. Using the newest version of shadow keeper to create my slightly illegit character, and playing under the BioWare Official Patch and BaldurDash fix-pac 1.0, i started a new game. I made it threw Irenicus dungeon with no problems, but once I emerged into Athkatla i began experiencing a problem. My game would continually cause my computer to freeze and crash (ya know, that blue error screen kept popping up :rolleyes: ) I've been unable to complete the slave quests in the Copper Coronet/Slums, and sometimes I am unable to even complete the few quests in the Promenade before the game crashes. I've since totally uninstalled the game, reinstalled it and the patches, then playing from my old save games. The problem persisted, so I once again uninstalled, this time deleting my save games, and starting from scratch and using the BaldurDash fix pac 1.1. The problem continues, leaving me unable to play more than ten minutes of game time after emerging from Irenicus dungeon into Athkatla. It extremely annoying as I've gotta get my BGII fix after being away from it for a couple of months.

Perhaps an important note is that my computer runs under the Windows ME operating system. I'd heard of some trouble with Throne of Bhaal and Windows 2000, and thought maybe it applies to my situation. Like i said though, my computer works great, and i have all the latest game patches.

Any help would be rad. Thanx.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 12:44 pm
by Heavens_Myst
I doubt its windows ME, since I run it on my laptop and it has no problems.

What are the specs on your video card?

Does BG2 need directx? You might want to goto and download directx 8, not sure if that will help though.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 10:27 am
by average joe
I've just gone through and downloaded the newest drivers for my video card and GLsetup. I'm thinking it might solve the problem.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2001 6:23 am
by Kevin Dorner
Any update since you installed the new drivers?