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Hide in shadows/invisibility not working

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:07 am
by lompo
I'm replaying the game, this time having installed Ease of Use, Tactics and light of Selune mods, and I'm experiencing that hide in shadows (and invisibility) are not working.
Do anybody experienced thet or have any clue to solve it?
many thanks

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:27 pm
by Philos

You might have to play around with different combinations of mods and/or features of the Ease of Use mod. I found out that the Bracers of Icelandic Pearl would no longer cast spells when I had the Ease of Use mod installed. I played around with different combinations of features. Tried uninstalling each one of the 24 (IIRC) features of that mod. Turned out that if the "armor damage reduction" feature was used, it rendered the Bracers unusable. Sounds like a similar glitch. I had no problem with inivisibility or hiding with "most" but not all of the Ease of Use features. It may be another or an effect from mulitiple mods. Do not have either of those so cannot help there.