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Saving Throw Bug?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 4:34 pm
by MasterDarkNinja
I was doing a bit of experimenting, and leveling up with cheat codes, when I noticed my saving throws weren't looking right on my sorcerer.


According to the above link I should have the following saving throws at level 31.

Yet, instead I get the following saving throws.


It seems that the saving throw table is correct until level 21.

So is this a bug in the game? Or are the saving throw tables just wrong (and I've seen this same saving throw table listed a few other places to, with the same #'s listed).

I haven't tested this with other classes to see if they're right or wrong to.

Edit: I did a bit of testing on mages, and it's the same thing.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:16 pm
by kmonster
BG2 doesn't improve saving throws after level 20, so your sorcerer is stuck with level 16 saving throws.
There are mods to change this, but sorcerers are overpowered in BG2 anyway.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:53 pm
by MasterDarkNinja
kmonster wrote:BG2 doesn't improve saving throws after level 20, so your sorcerer is stuck with level 16 saving throws.
There are mods to change this, but sorcerers are overpowered in BG2 anyway.
So in other words the site is wrong, and it's not a bug then.

Thanks for the answer.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:19 pm
by galraen
I'd consider it a bug, just because the game designer responsible for creating the table couldn't be assed to do his/her job properly doesn't stop it being a bug.

After all, surely a definition of a bug is something wrong with the game because the designers made a mistake?