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Graphics - 1/2 windows missing

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:22 am
by Camshaft23
Hi, Noob here.

I have a question regarding the screen view.

Previously I had a fairly 'wide' view of the party and their surrounds (with left, right and bottom menus all visible), then I went into the config file to see if I could get a higher resolution.

I reset everything in the config file to the way they were bar changing resolution from 640*480 to 800*600 and now I still have all menus but gameplay area shows a much smaller area than before.

How do I fix this??

I know the question is basic but so am I.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:27 am
by Camshaft23
Issue Resolved

Changed res on PC (which was grossly underestimated!)