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SK and hell trial rewards

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:13 pm
by densorteengel
Just wondering, where can I find the effects that you get from the trials in Hell? Like Immunity to normal/+1 weapons, and the resistances?
I just looked through my character after finishing SoA & ToB, and none of the effects are anywhere to be found.. No immunties, no extra resistances - am I looking the wrong place, or has something gone wrong?
(I didn't notice any new "powers" being granted in ToB either, which is confusing, I thought that you would get some, depending on your answers to the Solar?)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:30 pm
by Aeronth
These effects are "affects" in Shadowkeeper (Affects tab). You can find them on [url='']G3's Opcodes list[/url].

For example, those you mentionned...

Immunity to normal and +1 weapons :
#120 (0x078) Protection: from Melee Weapons [120]

Resistances :
#28 (0x01C) Stat: Cold Resistance Modifier [28]
#29 (0x01D) Stat: Electricity Resistance Modifier [29]
#30 (0x01E) Stat: Fire Resistance Modifier [30]

Look for them in G3's list for further details.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:45 pm
by vaypah
densorteengel wrote:I didn't notice any new "powers" being granted in ToB either, which is confusing, I thought that you would get some, depending on your answers to the Solar?

You only get these special powers if you have the Ascension mod installed and only after doing the trials in the pocket plane (one after each sibling you "pacify").

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:29 am
by densorteengel
Ah, that explains why I couldn't find them, I thought they would be under the "resistance" tab :rolleyes:

vaypah - thanks for claring that up, apparently I must have played with that mod earlier :) (so many mods out there, it's almost impossible to remember which ones I used and which ones I didn't, prior to my old computer crashing) :rolleyes: