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Golumns coming back from dead

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 3:47 am
by Telthos
I reasently installed ToB and then the patch and have started SoA again. In Iranius's dungon I killed the Golumn gardians first so as to not have to face them when I went into "her" room, as I did the first time. But when I went to kill the dwarfs they appered but there stats said dead so I couldn't kill them. HELP!!! Also when Imon cast haste on my PC it hastened everyone, even the ememy. Anyone else have this?? Any Idea how to fix it, preferably with out reinstalling everything?? Thanks

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 1:19 pm
by nael
i don't know about the golemn thing, but the haste is correct...improved haste will only effect one person, haste works on everyone in the area