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No interactions..? (possible spoilers)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:21 am
by NocturneN
Well, I've been playing for a long time now, since Spellhold actually, without any character interactions whatsoever (Currently in the Underdark). I know that not everyone has something to say to every character, but they have all been strangely quiet for quite a while now. Anomen had a brief conversation with Jaheria in the beginning of Spellhold, but that's it. I read somewhere that Jaheria would have a conversation with Nalia, and also, Minsc haven't said anything at all to Nalia through the whole game which I think is alittle wierd (He expressed is fondness for her when we first met her). Lastly I'd think that quite a few characters would have interactions with Imoen, since I've just rescued her.

Could be that I'm on the storyline quests, perhaps they will be more talkative once I get out of the Underdark? Any thoughts on this are welcome. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:37 pm
by roller1234
No story interactions while away from the mainland. Really screws up Jaheira romance cause realistically it becomes incompletable if not progressed enough, due to time constrains. Not a problem with your party so i didnt mention it. D:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:49 pm
by NocturneN
Ahhh, so I suspected true (well, almost). :) Well I actually intend to romance Jaheira when I replay as a male character, so, your advice is not wasted. Thanks again Roller. :D