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Need an new RPG

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:46 am
by shwton87
Hi all

I was all ready to come back off holiday and play the enhanced edition of Baldurs Gate when i found out that it has been delayed. This means that i need somthing to entertain me untill november. Can anyone recomend a RPG that is worth playing that i may have missed. Personaly i enjoy one with good a story and without too much hack n slash.

Ones i have played include

Baldurs Gate 1,2 etc
Icewind Dale 1,2
Neverwinter Nights 1,2
The Witcher 1,2
Planescape Torment
Dragon Age: Origins (and 2 although i dont talk about that)
Knights of the Old Republic (1,2 and online)

Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:12 am
by Garriath
Have you considered the Deus Ex series? The first is utterly spectacular, and much more emphasis on the story and characters than any sort of hack-and-slash. I've just started the third, but it seems like a solid game as well. Granted, there's more shooter to the series than the games you've listed, but they're still excellent games.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:20 am
by Darth Gavinius
From the list you have given, I would suggest Arcanum (has more of an open world feel), Drakensang: The Dark Eye or River of Time (RoT is much better imo). If you've never played Deus Ex, then I strongly recommend it. I am currently playing Anachronox that has a pretty slow turn based system, but is a lot of fun. Temple of Elemental Evil may also be worth a shot. If you have NWW2 plus both expansion packs, I would recommend playing The Wizards Apprentice Mods - they are among the best RPGs I have played this year.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:49 am
by GawainBS
I second all the recommendations here and add Divine Divinity.
Of course, there's the brilliant Fallout 1 & 2. 3 is mediocre at best, New Vegas is great again.
Also, way underrated, is Alpha Protocol.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines is close to brilliant too.