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How do I fix the 'Haer'dalis disappearing/playhouse empty' bug? Any suggestions are welcome.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:36 pm
by DragonBice
I'm a victim of a most annoying bug, and I need help to fix it:

If you rescue Haer'dalis from Mekrath and you have him join your party in Mekrath's lair and then kick him out of the party again, he will take the gem and disappear, saying that he will have to take the gem to Raelis Shai himself. This triggers the bug though; when you go to the Five Flagon's Inn, the playhouse is empty. Neither Haer'dalis or Raelis Shai - or anyone else that would normally be there - is anywhere to be found and the quest cannot be completed.

Most people say that this is a bug and not intended in the game design. However, it doesn't matter much because it still blows! I'm thinking that this must be possible to fix, perhaps with the use of Hexedit or CLUAConsole commands or a combination of both perhaps. Maybe Shadowkeeper could do its part?

I've only dabbled a bit with Hexedit once, a long time ago, and I only had to fix one, pretty basic issue then (can't remember what though), so I'm not very proficient in using it. Does anyone know where to find clear and sufficient instructions on using Hexedit? (I'm pretty sure Hexedit can fix this, I just need to learn how to do it!)

Can I use CLUAConsole commands to place the missing characters IN the playhouse by using the proper area codes and character codes? If so, how would I go about doing this, and where can I find all the codes that must be used? (This method might not guarantee that the characters will function properly even if they do show up and it might screw up the game beyond repair, but I guess it's worth a try.)

Any suggestions are welcomed!

Thanks in advance,

P.S. If anyone else has the same issue, but no answer, feel free to share or copy/paste this post to other forums as well.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:10 pm
by galraen
I think the only solution is to revert to a save before kicking him out of the party. I don't think it's actually a bug, although I can see it being very, very annoying.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:27 pm
by DragonBice
galraen wrote:I think the only solution is to revert to a save before kicking him out of the party.
Nah, I'm positive it can be fixed as long as one knows what values in the game code (I don't even know if "game code" is the proper rhetoric here :D ) needs to be changed, and to what. Loading a previous save just isn't an option. I don't have one. I rescued Haer'dalis, then I played a bunch of other quests not knowing about the bug. I found out that this had happened about three levels later when I returned to the playhouse.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:37 pm
by DragonBice
Actually, something just occured to me: If I could reset the quest value so that it hasn't been started yet and reset the values for the playhouse and Mekrath's Lair, so that those areas haven't been visited yet, MAYBE that would work? Then perhaps I could go the playhouse, see the silly play with Biff the Understudy and offer my aid to Raelis Shai and start it all over again? So, does anyone know how to change such values?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:28 am
by QuenGalad
I'm not sure that will work. Firstly, the quest is probably coded using more than just those values - I wouldn't be surprised if you had to spawn in all the necessary people again and so on. Secondly, I don't think it's a bug, it makes roleplaying sense - the troupe needs to leave ASAP and your kicking Haer out means you've disassociated yourself from them, so he goes back to the playhouse, they use the gem without your help and are gone. Too bad.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:36 am
by galraen
The only 'solution' I can think of is a dirty fix using the console with this command:


This should teleport you inside the Astral prison, and hopefully will trigger the quest from that point. I don't accept any responsibility for what happens thereafter mind, but it shouldn't screw up the rest of the game even if it doesn't work; just remember to make a separate save before trying it.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:00 am
by DragonBice
Thanks QuenGalad, I want the characters to be there, that's the problem, so I'm sort of trying to figure out how to respawn them and thought that resetting quest- and area values just might be a neat little trick to do just that. If I have to respawn everyone individually, fine by me :)

Thanks galraen, I've been thinking of that and I guess I'll use it if I can't fix things a bit cleaner. Thank you for finding the area code for me.

By the way, I didn't think it was a bug either since it does make sense, I'm merely uncertain since most people who know about the alleged bug seem to claim they 'know' that it is a bug, though I'm still not sure of how certain they actually are.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:54 pm
by galraen
If I'm right, then if you use the console to teleport to the Astral Prison, then the characters should be in the prison, just as if you'd gone through the quest normally. Arriving there should trigger the conversation that leads to the fight in the entrance area, then go through the prison as normal.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:58 pm
by DragonBice
Well, I finally tried teleporting; I ended up in the wrong end of the prison - I think it's where Haer'dalis and the others are, the last room you would normally reach. There were no prisoners and all the dialogue became pretty much nonsensical since everything is in the wrong order.

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:55 am
by Enforcer
I'm not sure if it's a clean solution concerning romances and such, but at least you may enter the quest area and loot what you need.
enter empty playhouse and issue following console commands:
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("HaerDalisGemQuest", "GLOBAL", 1)
(when we got into this mess this variable was 20)
(at this point Haerdalis will spawn and thank for rescue. just finish dialogue)
(not sure if commands above are really necessary. According to the game script those poor souls were destroyed by area bcs script when HaerDalisGemQuest=20)
(at this point Raelis will spawn and thank for rescue of Haer'dalis. just finish dialogue)
(Hooray! we have a portal gem again! now just speak to Raelis again)
When in prison you are ready to talk to Raelis/Haerdalis, first spawn Haerdalis again:
Not sure if it's a strict and the only correct order of commands but it worked for me.
Feel free to refine this script set and post a cleaner solution

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:23 pm
by DragonBice

I've already played the game through a few more times since my last post ;) but others will need to solve these - or similar - problems in the future, so, replying to old threads solving old problems has a value as well!

On a side note: I tried playing on insane difficulty for the first time ^^. Wasn't much fun, really. The fights are not that much "harder", they're just that much more unpredictable due to the insane rolls. I mean, some fights, there are only one correct way to win. It's not much fun to re-load the game a hundred times just because you're not very lucky. But I'm sure there's a thread for this as well :cool: