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Thief backstab with DW club/cromfaeyr?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:47 pm
by Claudius
Can I equip a club along with crom faeyr (offhand) and backstab? Just curious there may be other better options of weapons, but I am interested in the DW question. Thanks!

edit - it's a cleric

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:08 am
by Kandabros
Yes, but it's probably better to use a Quarterstaff (Holy Power, Draw Upon Holy Might and Righteous Magic will get you 25 str anyway)
And if you're a thief/cleric multi, soon enough you'll be able to use whatever you wish

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:16 am
by Claudius
Thanks! Still haven't progressed that far, waiting on EE but I am partway on BG. Thanks!

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:05 am
by galraen
If you're intending to use the Item Upgrade mod, and I think it's a good mod, then there are alternatives to Crom Faeyr (and if you role playing a good character the you shouldn't be able to get it anyway) or the infamous staff. I'm one of those who find the idea of back-stabbbing/sneak attacking someone with a six foot pole is ludicrous, but each to their own. If you can suspend disbelief then a certain staff is the most effective weapon.

Also, if clubs are your thing, then I really do recommend the Item Upgrade mod, or possibly the Ruad mod, but not both at once, unless you really like the idea of a thief with a backstab multiplier of 8, or an assassin with a backstab multiplier of 10! :D