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Removing a Sequencer?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:54 am
by NocturneN
Right, I have run into a strange bug. Somehow, Aerie was affected by a "feeblemind" spell. Okay, "no problem" I thought, and dispelled it. However, awhile afterwards, I noticed that I could no longer access her sequencers from the "Special Abilities" menu... Fair enough, her Int was set to 3 for awhile, so I assume that's what messed up the sequencers, but now I have a major problem:

Her portrait still displays "Sequencer Active", so when I try to cast a new Sequencer with her I just get a "You can't use the same contingency twice"-message, or nothing happens. And since I can't access her Special Abilities, I have no way to fire the sequencers that she already has active!

I've been looking around in Shadowkeeper but I can't figure out how to remove the Sequencers she has, or enable them so she can cast them... And I think dying won't reset them, either. In other words, I'm screwed! :D So if anyone has any advice on how to revert this I'd be much obliged! :)

It seems that dying removed the Sequencers...atleast now, I can have her memorize new ones. But the number of casts for each sequencer is "2" which is impossible, It seems this has solved the problem, but I think it still might be bugged, I don't know...will have to test. So feel free to post if you have a better solution. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:09 pm
by roller1234
Sequencers are completely removable via Shadowkeeper.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:32 pm
by NocturneN
roller1234 wrote:Sequencers are completely removable via Shadowkeeper.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:59 am
by TBD
Try casting Dispel Magic on her, that usually solves a problem like that - at least in my experience. (First post ever on this forum) :)

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:27 am
by roller1234
Thomas Brorsson wrote:How?
Its under Affects tab, look at Ressource 3 for a name, it should be self explanatory, like "Spell Trigger", Ressource 0-2 hold the names of stored spells.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:20 am
by NocturneN
TBD wrote:Try casting Dispel Magic on her, that usually solves a problem like that - at least in my experience. (First post ever on this forum) :)

Well, hmm, might work... :P I will try that next time...should've removed the Sequencers when I dispelled her "feeblemind" effect, though, right?

Welcome to the forums! :D They are fairly awesome, if I may say so myself. :)
roller1234 wrote:Its under Affects tab, look at Ressource 3 for a name, it should be self explanatory, like "Spell Trigger", Ressource 0-2 hold the names of stored spells.

Ahhh-ha!! I had only been looking under the "Type"-column, didn't realise you could scroll that section... :oops: tyvm! :)

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:01 am
by NocturneN
Sigh, it's happened AGAIN. >< Once again, she has the "Sequencer Active" icon on her portrait, but I cannot access her special abilities. I think I know how to fix this now via Shadowkeeper, but why does this keep occuring? This time I think it happened because we got dragged back to the Pocket Plane by Solar, but I have no way of knowing for sure. My main char, nor Imoen has this problem... I'm guessing it's something to do with her being a Cleric/Mage. :S

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:54 pm
by NocturneN
It's happened once again, sigh. This time also sometime in the Pocket Plane... Seems Aerie is alergic to that place, for some reason (Mainchar and Imoen does not have this problem). This time it was abit odd because she had her sequencers before the challenge, but afterwards I noticed (thankfully) that she had lost them. Luckily all I had to do was reload and redo the challenge... So it's definately something to do with the Pocket Plane, and only Aerie suffers from this.

If anyone knows what might be casuing this, I'd be much obliged: The best feature of Aerie is being able to place priest spells in seqeuncers which is now made useless because of this bug... It's a pain to constantly watch her to see if her sequencers have dissappeared, sigh.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:18 pm
by TBD
Ah, that sucks :( I have no idea then. Never used Aerie in ToB before :) Hope you figure it out!

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 2:30 pm
by Stworca
This is a common issue, and the main reason why i have kept debug mode active, you can remove the regular (and fake) sequencers with ctrl+R.

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:09 pm
by NocturneN
Well I have now determined that it's not connected to the Pocket Plane (as I thought), it happened once again, in a dungeon. And it happened just after I had beaten an incredibly difficult encounter, which I am not keen at all on doing again...
Stworca wrote:This is a common issue, and the main reason why i have kept debug mode active, you can remove the regular (and fake) sequencers with ctrl+R.

I was hoping for a permanent fix, but from my research, it seems that there is none. I'm not keen on forcing Aerie to re-cast new sequencers every time this happens, she hasn't got even close to the amount of spells she'd need for that, considering this happens 2-3 times (atleast) during each rest period. :/ So unless there is a way to quickly and easily have her creating new sequencers after removing the old ones - without losing any memorized spells - I don't really see that as a solution, Stworca, though I appreciate the advice. :)