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Has anyone solo'd an assassin??

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:53 am
by tlibro
If so, was it challenging?? I'm thinking of doing this next. Is it worth it??

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:59 am
by nael
quite a few people have doen this, check the shadow mages topic and ask for help, i got bored with it, but it is definitely doable.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 11:40 am
by tlibro
Any other comments?? I'm sure it's possible, but is it fun?? Can anyone who's finished as a solo assassin comment???

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 2:16 pm
by Froydur
Isen't having only 15 thiefskill rather lame? I can live with the bounty hunter's 20, but 15?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 2:35 pm
by Yanlee
It is fun, but quite easy.

However, the novelty of hide in shadows, backstab, run away and hide again loses its appeal quite quickly, but you can have a lot of fun in the towns.

It also allows for good roleplaying, as you don't fight every monster and can steal and lie your way through parts of the game.

Don't worry about the 15 points per level, either, it is more than enough, especially with potions and items to boost your abilities. Just make sure hidein shadows and move silently are high

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2001 11:44 pm
by Garcia
Yes I did it twice, okay one of the times I had a little help from Jan to get that second ring of Gaxx and the shadow armour early in the game. It is loads of fun one of the easier classes to go all the way (I said easier not easy ;) )

If you have to solo an assassin there are a few vital items:

1. c.fury: best sword/katana for backstabing IMH

2. two rings of invs.:there are two ways to backstab, hide in shadows and invis. when using the rings you don't have to get out of sight in order to become invis. and be able to backstab. that means after a backstab simply click on the ring and you are invis. instantly and ready for a new backstab. change ring in inventory and it works again.

3. potions of invis.: see number 2 ;)

4. boots of speed: good for getting away from the foes to hide in shadows.

items that are nice to have:

1. shadow dragon armour: the biggest armour you as an assassin can carry and it has good protection.

2. crome f. : good for dual with the c.fury put it in your off-hand and you will backstab with the c.fury only with 25 in strength....sweet :)

3. rings of gaxx: hard to get you will properly need a little help from a mage in order to wup the demi-lich.

Happy hunting