Rogue Rebalance Mod - Questions!
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:42 am
I'm currently reading through the readme of the Rogue Rebalance Mod, and I must say it looks rather good! I'm not normally for altering the game in major ways, but this mod seems to make rogues alot more interesting without making them terribly overpowered at the same time. As I have a cool avatar for a Human male Assassin, I'm thinking of giving this a try, but I have some questions to anyone who's experienced with using this mod:
Are there any problems running this with BGT? I.e. are there any major compability issues I should be aware of?
In the vanilla game, rogues have terrible thac0 which is my main gripe with playing one. Typically, you'd have to roll a Fighter/Thief or some type of Dual-class combo to amend this. Are there any changes to Thief/Bard thac0 tables besides for the Swashbuckler?
Not sure I like the way they've changed the Assassin's Poison ability; from what I gather, it's now a straight damage ability doing 1d3 + 1/level rather than the highly useful damage over time effect from the original. Am I missing something?
Saw a really cool component that revises stealing! That's something I've been searching for for a very LONG time; but the component apparntly requires something called "ToBex". "ToBex", afaik, is still in it's beta stage and the author warns about using it...but this component is too cool to miss out on! So has anyone tried this part and know if it's stable? /EDIT
Thanks, Thomas
Are there any problems running this with BGT? I.e. are there any major compability issues I should be aware of?
In the vanilla game, rogues have terrible thac0 which is my main gripe with playing one. Typically, you'd have to roll a Fighter/Thief or some type of Dual-class combo to amend this. Are there any changes to Thief/Bard thac0 tables besides for the Swashbuckler?
Not sure I like the way they've changed the Assassin's Poison ability; from what I gather, it's now a straight damage ability doing 1d3 + 1/level rather than the highly useful damage over time effect from the original. Am I missing something?
Saw a really cool component that revises stealing! That's something I've been searching for for a very LONG time; but the component apparntly requires something called "ToBex". "ToBex", afaik, is still in it's beta stage and the author warns about using it...but this component is too cool to miss out on! So has anyone tried this part and know if it's stable? /EDIT
Thanks, Thomas