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Once again a horrible bug of some kind?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2001 11:47 pm
by madglee
Okay I just posted that I killed Draconis and there was nothing to loot. I left the area, came back, left the area, came back and there was his head and bracers. I enter the lair. I kill the monsters and get the thing to fill so I can breathe. NOW, everytime I try to swim down that pool it saves, then as it is loading the game crashes to the desktop. By the gods, blast it! Has anyone been having such problems? I've had the game crash occasionally, but not enough to bother me. This crashes every single time on this part and I don't see how I can proceed. I suppose I can reinstall it..what do you all think? Will I lose my save games? Please help!!

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 5:15 am
by Curdis
madglee - Welcome
I specialise in quick and dirty answers. There may be easier/better solutions but this will solve most temporary problems.
- Copy your save games from the save and mpsave folder to some other location not in the BlackIsle/BGII/SOA(whatever chain) e.g. C:/savegames are stored here for now.
- Uninstall the games
- delete the install folder
- Reinstall
- Patch to the latest patch(es)
- copy the save games back into the respective folders.
- cross fingers

If this doesn't work one(or more) of your save games is corrupt (and you could possibly have saved the grief associated with the reinstall by going back to the next most recent savegame and replaying).

Before trying the above a defrag of your hard drive might unclog your system enough to get over a smallish resource bottleneck - Curdis

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 6:05 am
by Sabre
Try deleting everything in the BG2\Cache\Data directory, it could be that there is a problem with the game's cache.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 12:22 pm
by madglee
Thanks Curdis and Sabre! In the end, I uninstalled BGII and TOB, defragmented my horribly fragmented HD, scandisked it, reinstalled clean, implented the newest patch, and everything worked great!! Thanks a lot for your help, guys! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:30 pm
I did a defrag on my drive a couple weeks ago (the game was crashing a bit) and it took 6 hours to defrag a 10 GB drive :eek: talk about horribly fragmented.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:54 pm
by Yuusuke
You know, it takes me about 3 days to defrag my drive, I think something is wrong with it, and it doesn't restart all that much

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 9:47 pm
by madglee
Bloody hell, that IS fragmented! :P Mine took about an hour..of course, now I'm at the end, and that whore, I knew the whole time was playing manipulation games, and having problems killing's driving me insane. but it's all very amusing, of course. i want to see what torn is about, not to mention neverwinter nights.....