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Dragon Eye Level 4 one crazy tactic and a lucky escape

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Dragon Eye Level 4 one crazy tactic and a lucky escape

Post by magisensei1 »

Dragon Eye quest level 4 proved to be the most dangerous and crazy battle for my party while using some new tactics. My party is pretty standard in terms of composition:

Cleric/Mage (multi)
Mage/Thief (multi)
Bard ( to record the adventure and retell our great deeds :P )
Fighter (soon to be dual to a cleric but not yet)

They are all about Level 6-7 - the mage characters have no haste spell.

Level 3 of the Dragon Eye quest proved to be very dangerous almost dying several times because of the difficulty in defeating the cold wights, the blast skeletons and the mage at the end - actually the cold wights and the Lt skeletons and blast skeletons proved to be way more dangerous then the mage at the end of this level. So after resting up we moved on the the next level...

Shortly after arriving at this level (my mage/thief had scouted the area and the library), my paladin exposes that they are all evil and everything goes nuts really fast- the first and only big battle takes place inside the library - We searched for a place to bottle neck the bad guys and this seemed like a good place to start. Well after the initial rush, my intrepid thief/mage slammed the door shut to cut down on the monsters coming in (although a bit late since we had to deal with at least 6-8 bad guys already - trolls, priests (are they semi-invisible or what?), and snake guards). After eventually vanquishing the evil monsters, my party was pretty beat up and we had to use up a lot of the healing spells and most of the healing potions, plus we couldn't rest and with the monsters baying for our blood outside (we exhausted most of our offensive spells that could be used in a closed in area in this first battle) what to do?And so we come to the battle and the tactic used on this level and to our story...

My mage/thief named Hayate (her name meaning wind) with the boots of speed and a couple of invisibility potions decided to rush out (closing the door behind her) and do some scouting. My mage/thief is equipped with a short bow+1 and lots of arrows, wand of magic missile, a magical dagger, boots of speed, and a few spells (magic missile x2, chromatic orb, fireball). Well she ventures out and hides in shadows when the monsters suddenly spot her - after a few quick shots from her bow my thief/mage started to run away but sadly she runs into a dead end and so quickly drank an invisibility potion which saved the day for her. Now safe from being seen she wandered around the area until she came upon the snake priest the high summoner (the one summoning all those damn monsters) and decide to roll the dice - a quick fireball (her only area spell and only big weapon left to her) at the priests. It did marginal damage and the priest charged after the her. The funny thing about this battle was the tactic being used - she ran in circles firing arrows at the priest and the occasional magic missile (from the wand) and after some time eventually won. Back at the library room everyone was safe but injured and unable to leave the room as there was literally a ton of monsters outside - at the very least we were out numbered at least 3 to 1 (I counted the monsters)- so they decided to stay put. Meanwhile the intrepid mage/thief - after using the running in circle tactics to get rid of the priests (in total 3) in the room and a few guards (3) that happened to notice her (she was saving the last invisibility potion just in case) wandered back to the library (after having exhausted her supply of arrows and only having a dagger in hand and no spells left; and no magical armor spell - got dispelled by the priest) and noticing the huge massing of monsters slipped back into the library, after quietly slipping through the holes between the monsters. So what did we do? Well we ran for it - and luckily made it since once we opened the door and took a tiny step out the door the monsters noticed and gave chase, lucky for us the door the to the previous level was close and we escaped with one monster a mere step behind the last party member to escape.

Why did we tell this tale of adventure, well mostly to entertain but also to show a new and fun tactic used by a mage/thief with minimal offensive spells only using a bow, a wand of magic missiles and a dagger can survive and defeat a few dangerous villains.

On a footnote to the battle - the monsters quickly catch on with the circle running and well circle in different ways to try and catch you so don't just run in one direction or you might bump into them when they change directions.
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Post by Philos »

Welcome to Gamebanshee magisensei1 :) .

Sounds like you had fun. Don't want to spoil anything but **SPOILER**will say that if let your paladin hang back and let someone else in the party speak to Elbion (sp?) so that the fight doesn't get set off you can speak to Greelo the librian and purchase a nice spell or two from him that you cannot otherwise get until much later. Then you can trip in a number of different ways and still get the experience for exposing them.
So again welcome.
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