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Doing less than max damage

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:46 pm
by tyler plant
I am currently using a fighter with Hammer of comminution Dam 4-14.
I have a str of 20 with total bonuses of 13 damage.
So my damage should be 17-27 but sometimes I do as little as 13 dose anybody know why.
Morte even with fist's of 4 doesn't get any pluses to hit unless you cast power of one or strength on him.
Also Nordom doesn't receive any to hit bonuses at all but he also isn't affected by the seeing double -2 to hit so it's not a problem lol.
I love this game but I got to wonder how it could have been out this long and had so many patches made and still have such noticeable errors.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:14 pm
by Aeronth
I suppose you meant 'less than min damage'?

I don't really know why, but I must warn you that Torment in general isn't very respectful of D&D rules.
Is your installation patched and modded? Modders like Qwinn worked a lot towards making Torment more... logical.
Combat isn't really the point of the game though.

Perhaps there was damage reduction on the monster's side, or your character had a damage debuff?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:58 am
by Chippy
Some items were bugged (can't remember if this is one) where they didn't recieve their strength damage. You could grab an editor DLTCEP seems to be the latest and greatest and load it up - once you get the editor going it's as simple as ticking a box (assuming this is the problem).