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Tips/help with a wild mage?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:01 pm
by Crosswind
Tips are good; more importantly, can someone explain exactly how they work?



Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:16 pm
by Kovi
They work as a normal mage with the following differences:
- there 5% chance that any casting (including any innates!) result in a "wild surge"
- wild surge is a random effect (see the wild surge table) made a roll (1-100); the higher effects are usually beneficial, rolls >= 100 mean normal casting
- can access the spells Chaos Shield(2) and Improved Chaos Shield(7), which could increase the surge roll, lowering the chance
of a bad surge
- can access the spells Nahal Rechless Dweomer(1) which can cast any spell, but forces a wild surge, but the roll is increased by the casting level
- can access a bonus spell/level just like specialist
- the casting level varies +/-5 on every casting
- cannot dual

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Kovi ]

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 2:21 pm
by nmyerson
I think the main point with a wild mage is that he/she can cash ANY spell with Reckless Dweomer.

So with my wild mage, memorize your standard spells (get as many as a specialized mage) and then you have this bonus. And it's quite a nice one.

Even at lvl 10, you can cast lvl 9 spells with it. Always cast a chaos shield, they improve your chances of getting off a spell.

So in SoA, go to the graveyard, get your Mord Sword, and cast away. Usually you get it off at a 40-60% clip.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 2:40 pm
by Kovi
Oops, it seems that I forgot about that most important one. :)
Now included into the list.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 11:58 am
by Nullen
wild mage
Originally posted by nmyerson
I think the main point with a wild mage is that he/she can cash ANY spell with Reckless Dweomer.

So with my wild mage, memorize your standard spells (get as many as a specialized mage) and then you have this bonus. And it's quite a nice one.

Even at lvl 10, you can cast lvl 9 spells with it. Always cast a chaos shield, they improve your chances of getting off a spell.

So in SoA, go to the graveyard, get your Mord Sword, and cast away. Usually you get it off at a 40-60% clip.

I used a wild mage for a while but when I needed him to cast he was usually busy being hit by his own spell...could be just me though...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2002 3:42 pm
by Kovi
At early levels the chance of success is low even with Chaos Shield. But at xp cap, with Improved Chaos Shield you get more than 50% of success.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 10:43 am
by Coot
I like the Wild Mage, mostly from a roleplaying point of view. After playing this pc for I while I realized he became quite a different character than any of my other pc's.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 7:19 pm
by Curdis

I agree, I started one for SoA (starting in ToB is just not a good test of a kit).


After I had a wild surge cow drop on and kill the Ogre Magi in Irenicus's dungeon I was sold on the whole deal. Role play wise I choose lawful good as an alignment because it creates this awful tension in the caster. - Curdis

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 7:25 pm
by DaJir
The imfamous cow drop wild surge. I actually got killed by one while do'n the lilacor quest in the sewers. Tried to us RD to cast that improved chaos shield while i was low on health. I mean, honestly tho, how often does a person kill themselves while try'n to buff up?

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 8:58 pm
by Curdis
It's the only time I've ever gotten it and I got it the good way (on someone else). Using NRD to cast chaos shield :eek: :eek: what were you thinking!

My wild mage could kill herself brushing her teeth! - Curdis !

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 9:51 pm
by DaJir
Couldn't cast level 7 spells at the time, figured why not give it a whirl. ;)
Was just play'n around with a wild mage, level 16. Casted a spell trigger but got a wild surge(was group heal, nice but needed the 3 skele warriors more), now i still have the icon but no button to cast it out. :eek:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 10:13 pm
by Curdis
All part of being a wild mage. The portrait icon button bug seems to fix itself if you rest or cast another trigger, in an order known only 'to wise old sages' - Curdis !