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Never have finished it because of PC upgrades

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:18 am
by jam
I just found 'GameBanshee' so my hope has jumped up, with your help probably. I remember buying this game years ago and I think it was on the 'Amiga'. Very basic but very good anyway. Then I bought my first computer, (95/98), but I think it would not run on XP. I stored the game away and forgot all about it.
I upgraded from XP to 'Vista' then 'Windows 7'. Much later on I tried to load PoR and to my surprise it loaded but a few faults: Semi transparent characters/monsters; only voices/printed words of others; boxes, doors, etc., not showing but could be played. At this point I must state that I'm not an "computer engineer", much to my embarrassment. I load a game, use short cut keys, switch on and off, that's it. Anyway, I found "patches" and a way to: "make it load on Windows 7". In the past I've managed, (easy), patches but this lot was way above my head, I've tried all failed.
The final straw came up. I saved the game as I had done loads of times but this time I pressed the "load game" but it terminated the game because of a fault.
So, do I finally dump the game in the bin or is there a chance getting it to run properly?
Sorry for my 'War and Peace' "few words"

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:41 am
by swcarter
What did you do to make POR run on Windows 7? The last time I played it, I used DOSBox. That was under XP a few years ago, but I didn't have any problems running the game with it.

Btw, I'm moving this thread to the General Discussion forum. You posted in the POR: Ruins of Myth Drannor forum, which is for a different game.


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:51 am
by Olegg
Was it original PoR you meant? Or might it be PoR2?

If it's the latter then just to patch it may be insufficient to get it working on some systems (particularly, with ATI/AMD graphics cards). In that case one should apply MACT (Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit iirc).

If however it's the former then what swcarter said should suffice.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:24 am
by jam
swcarter wrote:What did you do to make POR run on Windows 7? The last time I played it, I used DOSBox. That was under XP a few years ago, but I didn't have any problems running the game with it.

Btw, I'm moving this thread to the General Discussion forum. You posted in the POR: Ruins of Myth Drannor forum, which is for a different game.


I just tried pool of radiance on windows 7 and was most surprised when it loaded. I don’t think I could run it on XP but I might be wrong as it was a long time ago. I’ve still got my old computer running XP but it broken down.

I’ll look for the forum you passed my thread onto, thank very much.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:32 am
by jam
The version I have is: Pool of Radiance - ruins of Myth Drannor. I bought it when it first came out.
As I stated id my introduction I'm usless at loading games that need alterations. I tried 'microsoft application compatibility toolkit' but I got stuck right at the start.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:05 am
by swcarter
And so it turns out you posted in the right forum after all. (The bit about the Amiga threw me, since POR:ROMD only came out on the PC.) I'll move the thread back where it goes.

Sometimes getting XP games to work on Vista/7/8 can be a hassle, so hopefully somebody can help you out.

Edit: It looks like there are some threads about getting the game to work under Vista/7/8. You might want to check [url='']this thread[/url] out.