... nes.php#85
Special thanks go again to Burgermeister for perfecting the new
library level and EntenSchreck for restoring new disciplines
Thanks also to Stosh, vladdmaster and Malkav for beta-testing!
Version Changelog:
v8.5 07.02.2013
+Shortened library level cutscene and killing actions at Ground Zero.
+Improved library riddle, boss navigation and fixed bookcase issues.
+Added and fixed some last library textures, thanks to burgermeister.
+Fixed idles with Imalia and Mitnick and changed horror tape titles.
+Made Nosferatu break Masquerade easier and Romero return once again.
+Restored Ocean House valve, sprinkler, cans, doors and some sounds.
+Fixed Danielle and Gimble problem and a misplaced Ocean House spark.
+Moved easter eggs hint from note to restored laptop at Luckee Star.
+Restored two menu effects and unused Pisha eyes for LaSombra female.
+Repaired Blood Shield light effect and updated Presentable history.
+Removed Domination's mass suicide to add sleep, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Restored Malkavian disciplines Veil and Voice, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Fixed Thaumaturgy disciplines not working again after player frenzy.
+Changed Jian into broadsword and armed Chang brother with a katana.
+Restored ten scenery props into sewers and Hallowbrook Hotel levels.
+Improved Bloodheal sound and restored HUD sounds and botch message.
+Added way to get a new discipline from Beckett, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Restored water, steam, fire and vomit effects, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Fixed dead guard acting at Skyeline Apartments and stuck headrunner.
+Restored character creation questions and a sewer-cabbie animation.
Improved tutorial popups and removed forced Andrei speech subtitles.
Prevented Tommy Flayton from writing restaurant review when killed.
Restored Heather before talking to Prince but referred to new haven.
Removed hatch reflection and updated and restored model sewer maps.
Deleted computer restorations from basic and restored two passwords.
Removed getting poster from VV in basic and fixed guard bodies bug.
Fixed double business card, clinic guard, Damsel and Isaac problems.
Repaired warrens and boiler pipes and reconciling sisters extra XP.
Added SweetFX to Extras folder, thanks for the tip to Caner Özdemir.