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Hello and funny bug

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2001 11:52 pm
by Luna0808
Hello!! First time poster here. I've been lurking for a few months and thought it was time I said "Hi!" Anyway, I've got a bug. It's not a big deal, but I was just wondering if this has happened to any one else or am I just lucky, cause I seem to have nearly every bug that goes along with this game. Oh joy! Any who....when I import a SOA game to TOB, my alignment and occasionally my race are mysteriously changed. It's funny going from a good human to an evil half-orc. I just fix it by importing all over again and after a few tries all is well. I just thought I'd share that.....

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2001 11:55 pm
by Xandax
Well - that does sound wierd :)

BTW welcome to GB, hope you enjoy your stay :)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 12:09 am
by Rob-hin
Welcome Luna0808 (luna = moon right?)

It sounds stange ideed, I myself have had little bugs in BG, I'm one of the few I think. Ony smal stupid things like loosing Hp once and everytime I start playing BG my F5 toggles on and off thanx to my keyboard from PB. Oh yeah, and my movies stopped everytime but that was because of my DVD drive, but when I wanted to re-insatll the comp didn't like it...As I think of it I have had more bugs as I think... :(

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 3:50 am
by Sojourner
Welcome Luna0808. :cool:

I've seen some strange bugs, myself, ever since installing ToB, to include multiple spawns of key characters, disappearing inventory items, game jumping to the wrong chapter (which affects game progression in a bad way), Jaheira initiating a romance with my female PC in ToB, etc. (No, I don't have any of the romance patches.)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 5:27 am
by Saruman
Multiple spawn are the worst bug I've repeatedly come across after installing TOB and patch.

For example I'm currently playing a thief and as such sneak around a fair bit.

Now I was doing the theif stronghold quest where you have to kill that wizard in the docks district so I went into his house killed critters on the ground floor before hiding in shadows and making my way up the stairs.

Sneaked past the 2 golems and went to the top level to kill the wizard. Unfortunately things didn't go quite as planned, I had accidently come out of the shadows on the floor with the Golems and they had noticed me and dutifully followed me up the stairs.

"Darn" I thought there is noway I can take out the wizard and his animated goons at the same time so I decided to go back down the stairs to the ground floor to pick up the rest of my party. Low and behold when i went down the stair the two Golems on the top floor followed me and there were two additional golems now on the middle floor who also followed me down to the ground floor.

So I now have 4 Golems to kill on the ground floor which my 9th level party just about managed but took a few casualties. Anyway after picking up the kit of my sadly departed associates I went back up the stairs with the 3 remaining party members only to find guess what... Yeah you guessed it 2 more Golems on the middle floor. Fortunately Korgan was one of those still alive and he just about managed to kill off these without taking too much damage. Anyway eventually I went up the stairs with my party and kicked in the wizard.

Now this has always been an easy mission previous to the re-spawning bug making itself apparent. Now it's a right b*st*rd

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 12:40 pm
by Sojourner
Yea, the multiple spawns can be a nightmare, and sometimes it can be hilarious. One time, my party was approached by 15-20 Brus's in the Promenade after my party hit the 15,000 gp mark. (Brus is the name of Gaelan's nephew.)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2001 10:38 pm
by Luna0808
Thanks for the welcome. (And yes, Luna = moon)
I've got all the bugs and I have had Jaheria romance my female PC as well. It was interesting. I just went with it, but what do you know? I've got the Jaheria romance bug! It went as far as the infamous "How did that last battle make you feel?" dialog loop, then nothing. Too bad. :D Guess it's time to get that patch.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2001 3:07 am
by Saruman
Jahiera romancing your female PC, I can't see a problem with that, If a little girl on girl action is your thing I say go for it.

If on the other hand you would rather have hetrosexual relations in the game then I suggest first getting the official patch and if that doesn't sort it you'll have to wait for Kevin Dorner to finish compiling his bug fixing patch for TOB, I read somewhere on this board that the long awaited and much appreciated patch should be finished fairly soon.