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Major Glitches near end of game

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 1:39 pm
by Der Rabbi
Returning to confront Balthazar my game has totally freaked out. My characters are wavering in & out & it keeps freezing. Also has anyone had the problem where you're lead character keeps having his weapon switched w/out your consent into another of your 2ndary weapons? This keeps happening. Is there a patch to solve this? Link?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 5:13 pm
by HighWatcher Zubie
Originally posted by Der Rabbi:
<STRONG>Also has anyone had the problem where you're lead character keeps having his weapon switched w/out your consent into another of your 2ndary weapons? This keeps happening. Is there a patch to solve this? Link?</STRONG>
Yup that happened to me but I found out why: It switches to the weapon with the higest bonus. In my case the weapon I was using was GRam Sword of the Greif +4 but it kept chaning to the Psionic Blade +5 I was keeping for Mind Flayers encounter... What I did is put the +5 blade in my inventory but you could probably get a script that doesn't change weapon.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2001 7:43 pm
by Der Rabbi
The game is very flickery lately too. Need patch...where?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 10:13 am
by Kameleon
I had the weapon-switching problem when I had Celestial Fury(+3) and Hindo's Doom(+3). I mean, who would want Hindos over CF? they are both +3, so is it because Hindos can be upgraded?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2001 4:14 pm
by Quitch
Actually if we're talking scripts, it's likely choosing based on which space the weapon is located in. Simply swap over the offending weapons, and the script will almost certinally use the one you want.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2001 6:16 am
by Arsenic
They might fix this in the interplay patch at [url=""][/url] (suprisingly), cos I had a massive problem that they fixed. :cool: