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Empower Spell etc. not working?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:28 am
by Fomalhaut
Hello, I am playing with an Arcane Scholar in SOZ, and of course have Empower Spell, Maximize Spell etc. Before you tell me the usual advice, yes, I know they are X slots higher, I can see them in my spellbook saying "Fireball, Empower Spell" or such. So, I put them in my spellbook like I always do, I rest, and... when I want to cast them, the Empowered/Maximized/Quickened spells, though I put them in my spellbook and can see them perfectly well when I open it, cannot be used. They do not appear on the Quickcast menu like they should. Any advice? (Yes, the game is patched, too.)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:01 pm
by Ares2382
There's a separate tab for empowered spells in the quick cast menu. Right under the word Quickcast you'll see a bunch of little squares with symbols in them. The first one is for regular wizard spells looks and like two hands holding a magic ball above them. The symbol for empowered spells looks like a purple cross. If you click that cross you'll see all your empowered spells.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:28 pm
by Scottg
..adding a few other things as well to Ares's excellent advice:

With a Sorcerer you never need to look at your spellbook because there isn't anything to memorize, just resting replenishes the spells you have.

Unfortunately you don't get that many spells as a result, so

Be VERY careful with which spells you select for SOZ. There are some very difficult opponents in the game that have higher spell-resistance. Look at various spell descriptions when selecting to make sure you are getting the right spells for that spell level in context with the rest of your selected spells.

Definitely consider 4th level: Assay Resistance.

And as a general recommendation: Mirror Image and Improved Invisibility.

Additionally, though the Sorcerer has many number of spells to cast per-day - because of their limited spell selection be sure to purchase/save high level spell-scrolls (..even though you can't use a meta-magic feat on them).