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Improved yan * the second bhaalspawn, fire qiant* OMG ITS A BLOODBATH!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 4:03 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
My only comment is the improved patch for yah whatever, anyway all i can say is omg its a bloodbath, the battle took my computer down to its knee i had so many spells, so many morkham's swords, planears, deva, all hurling all over the place, how does 25 morkham's sword, 8 planars, and 4 deva sound to u, including 14 skelton warriors, and what 8 project images all hurling horrid wiltering, and all of those mass kill spells, two tank all buffed and being buffed to the top exploding peoples everywhere, the spawns went on forever and ever and ever, i got to the giant hurt him a bit then he portaled out then later on he portaled back in and the whole group keept on pounding on him and the swords was keeping his armies at bay while my tanks and deva/planars was pounding on him, 8 projected images were hurling horrid wiltering everywhere, comets, dragon breathe.

i could have sworm i had killed thousands upon thousands of enemies in that single battle alone, and i leveled up what 2 time, my mage edwin 2 time, vicy 2 time, and jan 1 time, all i can say is geez,, then the whole battle lasted almost 30 mins then yan got a lucky shot and temated my bard so arugh i got to start all over, ANY TIP on beating this battle, its turning into a massive bloodbath.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 4:05 pm
by General
And just what the hell, may I ask, is wrong with a massive bloodbath? :D

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 4:11 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
Nothing wrong! :)

what i need to know is how i can termate that dude and what's the best way to keep the army at bay while you work on yan? i almost had yan to injuried when he got a lucky shot and exploded my main a bard with stone skin that just expired and-33 ac was defensive spin, and 390 health in tensored transformation plus the axe of unyeilding +5 the one with vorpal hit, and the fail +4 got to find the 5th head.

what i need to know is how to keep the armies at bay easier than haveing to have what 8 project images working 24/7 just to keep the armies at bay, when they expired the defensive line collasped and jan/edwin expired very fast, then vicy exploded then yan one shot my bard.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 4:18 pm
wow all i can say is "sounds epic" i have to download that patch!!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 4:24 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
It is! It is! i love the improved patch and all the bhaalspawn battle end up turning into an massive bloodbath, just the battle i love :D

i rember the demogroggy, that one termated fast with spike trap but i had reloaded like 30 time, untill i finaly gave up and just ploped down 10 spike trap where he spawned.

the bounty hunter one, well that's another interesting battle i had horrid wiltering hurled all over the place.

them omg the fire giant place that's so fun, and challenge, its on insane diffucity btw so two time the damage a hit, so its more challengeing i had to plan out my strategery instead of rushing in and owning every one in the room like i did on novience diffucity. novience i turn it down for the first game, then this is my secomd time though tob so i turn it up to insane.

now i got yan dude, well *shiver* if you don't have at a min of 1ghz and half a giga of ram it probably will murder your computer, like it did, but feel free to download the patches, theyre really EXECELLENT!

i can't wait to face off the improved dragons, that will be fun!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 11:32 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
I loaded up my save and decided to give her another try, and guess what this time i whooped his ass. one word, harm ROXOR, brings ur target to 1 hp on contact but then again vicy had what -20 thaco from items and buffs so no problem :)

anyway here's what i did.

I just buffed every one with stone skin and set the chain congugity with jan and edwin then i just tensored my bard and i just had the whole party rush and whack yan shug *spell* untill he left to check on his heart or what so ever, then at that point i had my bard and vicy run around the area and round up all the enemies in sight into one massive group. mean while edwin and jan trigged their conguigy poping up 8 project images, this time i didn't summon morkham's swords right away i just stoneskined the project image then bombered the mass group with 8 horrid wiltering, most of them fell just a fire giant or two that got lucky i had my bard and vicy make mickeymeat out of them. now in this brief lull before the rest of his armies spawned in and headed my way i had all 4 project image poping up 4 morkham's sword each, and the other four from jan poping out two morkham's sword each then my bard who tensor just ran out i hasted them all then tensored back. hmm let's see that's 24 swords, yikes nasty, then i setup them just right so they blocked the flocking armies and keept them at bay while vicy and my bard was prepareing for yan himself to come back when he spawned back in i had my bard pound on him while vicy casted harm then vicy slaped him and edwin shot a magic missile, one from each of his four project image, the harm contacted then suddenly 25 magic missile followed up and killed him outright. now i spawned out and babled with the solar, then spawned back in and babled with meshan again, then the morkham's sword cleared out the remaining enemies then expired.

Now i got the drow and that balzark dude the monk dude, and the dragon!!!!!!! I'm going to enjoy showing the improved dragon WHos's the boss! yep that's right wrym I AM! :D

This is on insane diffucity btw.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 3:56 am
by Quitch
When you play the beefed Yaga-Shura fight, keep pushing west, otherwise you will indeed get stuck fighting an army :)

It is a very sweet fight though with the beefed patch.

If you've downloaded the beefed Abazigal, then you're in for a *real* shock. Trust me :)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 5:05 am
by incandescent one
The Improved Yaga Shura wasn't epic for me at all. Once you clear the bridge and face Yaga Shura, all the spawns stop. Then Yaga Shura will spawn in with like 2 mages, a cleric and maybe a thief. Time Stop/Multiple Dragon's Breath. And all his minions are gone. Then resort to surround and slash to bring him down.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 9:17 am
by Longshadow
I'm going to enjoy showing the improved dragon WHos's the boss! yep that's right wrym I AM!
Good luck... Abazigal is crazy hard and harm doesnt work on him, Feeblemind makes him unkillable, and he heals himself more then 6 times when he reaches near death :( . At least he did when I fought him (victory still pending...). Let us know if you can beat him and how...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 12:25 pm
by Quitch
The Improved Yaga Shura wasn't epic for me at all. Once you clear the bridge and face Yaga Shura, all the spawns stop. Then Yaga Shura will spawn in with like 2 mages, a cleric and maybe a thief. Time Stop/Multiple Dragon's Breath. And all his minions are gone. Then resort to surround and slash to bring him down.

First or second facing? Sounds a lot like the original and not the improved fight to me. Sure you didn't mess up the install?

In the Improved fight when you wound Yaga-Shura, he flees (just like the original), but instead of being about two inches further west with 5 guys, you have to fight your way through spawning Fire Giants and human soldiers and mages, over to the far left of the map, where you meet him again.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 12:48 pm
by jeremiah
His army doesn't spawn infinitely. There is a set amount.

I usually just have the party trigger an encounter with his army at the bridge then go back and cast web all over the place and cloudkill. Summons, missile weapons and fighters take care of the spawning army. Doesn't take too long for the army to run out of spawns.

Then you can go confront Yagashura and his improved lieutenants. Flail of the ages and soul reaver are excellent against him as they mess up his THAC0 even if they do little damage. Of course goes without saying to terminate the lieutenant mage first before he casts sphere of chaos. He had a hard time hitting the -21 AC swashbuckler/fighter with his THAC0 penalties.

I thought it strange that his lieutenant cleric could cast ironskins. Didn't look like a druid to me. Then again Nyalee, Sendai (righteous magic and insect plague together?!?) and that drow priestess among the guardians of the seal in Watcher's Keep seem to have a mix of cleric and druid spells.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 2:29 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
What diffucity are you on longshadow? i'm on insane

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 2:49 pm
by Longshadow
I'm playing on insane as well.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 4:00 pm
But who's MORE Insane!?!?!??!? :rolleyes: :p

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 4:30 pm
by Quitch
Good luck... Abazigal is crazy hard and harm doesnt work on him, Feeblemind makes him unkillable, and he heals himself more then 6 times when he reaches near death . At least he did when I fought him (victory still pending...). Let us know if you can beat him and how...

I've beat the beefed version! Me me me! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 4:31 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
ME! i clam the prize!!!!! ;)

boyeah i just whooped dracos on the first try! i basicaly slaped down a couple spike trap then had jan stoneskin, tensored transform then give him the big metal unit, and the frag gredate. Next edwin improved hasted him now jan got what 9 shot a round, nice, and nasty with frag gredate, then i had jan rush to draco and start bombarding him with the frag gredate the human form fell so fast then jan ran back to the trap and draco was near dead but edwin was close to the trap with a chain congurigy of horrid wiltering, ban draco is dead

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 5:02 pm
by Quitch
Draconis is a push over, shame there's no "beefed" Draconis, since he is effectively a major encounter.

Some people say Draconis is harder than the original Abazigal, though I disagree, the enclosed location of the Abazigal fight made it harder I think.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 10:37 pm
by Musashi Miyamoto
On my first try i nearly whooped the improved abazabgan, every single one of his wrym was fryed and his main support dragon t something, she was full health but abaz had turned into dragon and was half way dead, on my first try not bad! and it was with good ol rushing tatics next time i'l try some thing more eboate.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 2:11 am
by Musashi Miyamoto
See the beating the beefed abi patch, for my newest update in the battle with this foul wrym, i owned him, but it was pretty much out of SHEER LUCK

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 4:00 am
by Quitch
You have to be careful. Once you've beaten the creatures that accompany Abazigal you think you're well on the way to winning the fight.

Those creatures are nothing compared to Abazigal in dragon form. He's one tough cookie, and way harder to beat than four Drakes, six Ice Salamanders and one purple Dragon.