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Watcher's Keep Problem

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2001 9:29 pm
by RicoBlanco
Hey, I'm stuck on Watcher's Keep on this one part...
Level 2, where you need to get scepters to free the demon, I can't seem to kill both the fire giants. Sure, I killed one of them, and I opened all the doors, and have the remaining 3 scepters, but I need to find a way to kill this fire giant! It looks like there's a line of fire from the middle pit to him that heals him, but I don't know how to disable it...If I figure that out, he'd be toast...I level-drained him to like level 1 with my gram sword of grief, heh.
Please, any help is appreciated!

Rico Blanco

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2001 9:36 pm
by Delacroix
lure the elementals. Make all the respawning fire elememtals folow you to the freeze room, then you'll got the scepter, i think.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2001 11:18 pm
by Sojourner
You need to lure four fire elementals into the ice room and kill them after they freeze. After that, he's vulnerable.