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Where can I find an Oak Axe Handle?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 9:21 am
by Vicsun
Where can I find an Oak Axe Handle? I have searched (almost) every shop from Dernholm to Tarrant. I have installed a hack so that merchants always show their full inventory, but still no luck. Can someone please tell me from which shop (or atleast from which City) I can find one? It's the last component I need for a pyro-axe!

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 11:34 am
by friend_al_23
I seem to remember seeing one of those. I just forgot where. I reply in case I find one. Post it if you found it already.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 1:27 pm
by fable
I've found them in several junk shops, but their appearance is randomized.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 5:28 pm
by Amphibius
Junkshops should have them. I usually find one with Ristezze (Shrouded Hills), Well Worn Effects (Dernholme), or the junk dealer at the Tarantian Docks.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2001 7:51 pm
by friend_al_23
Of course I would have said Junk shop, trash bins, shopkeeper's inventory, but they are all randomize. I was hoping something that is already there ever since.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 12:52 am
by Vicsun
I installed a crack from terra-arcanum, which should show all the items that the shopkeeper has...
It doesn't seem to work though... :(

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 7:54 am
by fable
Has anybody tried saving before entering a town, then checking to see if the town load includes the randomizing element? If so, you could effectively "reroll" to get that axe handle (or some other important items) by simply going back to the same saved game before the town gates.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 8:33 am
by friend_al_23
I haven't tried the hacked game because it might mess up my saved games. I'll try it after I again re-play the game.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:18 pm
by Altair72m
Getting the Axe

The Pyrotechnick Axe is a great weapon and a great profit maker. PS. If you are patient, you don't have to steal the schematic from the Tarant Sewer. I have seen it appear in the Tarant Smithy's inventory.

The handles are often found at junk dealers, however I only find one 1 out of every 10 times I go.

The place I find them the most is Shrouded hills at Rizzets, or the blacksmith.

Next most, Wheel Clan. Finally, the junk dealers in Tarant and Ashbury, not the general store, the junkers at the docks.

I think I have found a few in the trash in Shrouded hills and Tarant, but there's about 20 garbages in Tarant.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:00 am
by Deathmagus
For Sure

As far as I know, you can ALWAYS find an axe handle at the dealer in the northern Boil in Tarant. He's just past the tavern, a gnome or halfling, I think. He carries shovels too, which I found helpful for multiple late quests.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:55 pm
by Skuld
I remember seeing one at the junk dealer on the docks in Tarant quite often.