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Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 8:42 pm
by Ned Flanders
How accurately do you find the % to hit to be. I find my dwarf, no matter the circumstance or %age, he hits about one out of every seven swings. This, combined with the fact that every wolf attacks twice a round with an accuracy of about 95% leads to constant reloads. I also often find myself facing monsters in the wilderness I have no chance. Ever stumbled across a grizzly bear. How are those to be defeated?

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 6:20 am
by fable
Increase your melee, dodge and dexterity. These make a big difference. If you're a spellcaster, you should be able to learn spells that do some of this for you; ditto, if you're a techno-type, there are rings you can make that increase your dexterity.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 8:34 am
by Ned Flanders
Yeah, I think I just poorly placed my first CP's. For instance, I put a point into bow and have yet to use one.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 1:08 pm
by friend_al_23
Isn't ths the post I've answered a while ago? Anyway, you can hack the World Map random if you want not to get those random encounters.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 2:07 pm
by VoodooDali
Yes, dodge and melee are very important. Also, I found my life was a lot easier after I picked up Sogg the ogre--he's great at melee, and you really need him early in the game. He's in Shrouded Hills bar, but you need at least 9 charisma (I think) to pick him up. Also, make sure you put at least one point into repair. Although you can find stores where someone can repair your items for you, you are most likely to encounter situations where your armor or weapons are damaged when you are far away from any stores.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 4:01 pm
by friend_al_23
I think Chukka is a much better follower although Dog can beat him on a one-on-one.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 5:42 pm
by fable
The only problem with followers in combat is that you never seem to get an experience for their kills. This leaves an essentially non-combat type of hero out in the cold on melee.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 9:56 am
by friend_al_23
I had an argument with the other person at the other forum about this. I never really tried. Okay, I'm going to try it later, I hope. :D