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Unofficial Patch 8.6 is out!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:54 pm
by Wesp5
Get it as usual from The Patches Scrolls:

v8.6 04.04.2013
+Improved getting new discipline and keeping the .38 in the tutorial.
+Restored Confession turnstile, King's Way animation and six decals.
+Made Pearl of Dubai Charisma powerup again and fixed Mercurio money.
+Restored discipline crosshair, tutorial graphic and some particles.
+Improved Presence dialogue options and raised haven bum cash to $10.
+Added new idle animations, some with whispers, thanks EntenSchreck.
+Restored Dominate Command instead of Trance, thanks to EntenSchreck.
+Added Humanity losses and gains to SM blueblood and tutorial guard.
+Removed Toreador and Ventrue stat bonuses and fixed library details.
+Restored embrace and discipline hud particles, thanks EntenSchreck.
Returned Steyr AUG Sabbats to Hallowbrook and Zulo fire sensitivity.
Made Beckett invincible at the pier and updated walkthrough issues.
Corrected XP and restored log for unravelling Knox and Bertram plan.
Fixed Phil and Vandal dialogues and raised Well Educated penalties.
Moved possible Gimble's entrance block and fixed minor text details.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 2:35 am
by GawainBS
Again, great work, Wesp! Could you explain the reasoning behind Toreador & Ventrue stat bonuses removal?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:38 am
by Wesp5
It's actually to make the game closer to how it was released. Originally I figured that both clans have no real advantages, but after adding Presence in it occurred to me that having Toreador use it more than others like Ventrue with Dominate should be advantage enough...

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:39 am
by GawainBS
Ah, thanks, I was curious.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:12 pm
by Zarkhes
Hi, i just tried new game with this patch, and when i ariwed to downtown, Fat larry was missing:Was he moved from back of his truck?Cause i dont think somebody has shoot him.No gun therem, and i even reload an old save and take a cab again to be sure...

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:10 pm
by Wesp5
If you are playing the plus version of the patch Fat Larry has been moved to the alley besides Confession where he was in the demos of the game and where his truck and his dialogue fit much better than in the bright light directly besides Venture Tower and in full sight of a security guard.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:22 am
by Zarkhes
Yes, the alley with the two thugs, and a silver truck.He supposed to be here, leaning agaisnt back of his truck, but he isnt there...
Some bug?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:46 am
by Wesp5
Are you playing the plus patch? Because with the basic patch he is back at the side of the Venture Tower.

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:23 am
by AGustofWind
You know, I never really messed with the Presence dialog options much. Are there more opportunities for Presence dialog with this patch? Similar to the level available for Ventrue with Dominate dialog options?

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:00 am
by Wesp5
Yes, there is Presence in the Plus Patch now, but it is not as versatile as Dominate so the Ventrue keep their advantage.