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Impies or Rebels
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:34 am
by galraen
I was wondering how other people played the game first time through.
For me the idea of joining up with the scum that just tried to murder me was laughable, so naturally I joined the Stormcloaks.
What about you; and if you did side with your would be murderers; why?
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:22 pm
by Claudius
I haven't played it yet, but here are my thoughts ... te.125567/
My character hasn't chosen yet. He already beat the end-boss, but I may continue just to see how high level I can get I guess. And I also want to see more content.
Here's what I see:
- Less radical status quo and less instability/war
- Big jerks when they behead people
- In bed with the Thalmor who are the most vile people I have met so far
- Tried to behead my character
- I could probably add more after some thought
- It could be good to be in bed with the Thalmor because you should put your enemies closer than your friends or so the saying goes...
- Racist and my character is Mer, an Orc
I would be stormcloak but I am not sure how far the racism permeates the organization. Is it the KKK or is it just a few meat heads in the ranks.
Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:49 pm
by Bluestorm
I went with the Stormcloaks the first time, for the same reason "going to kill me for a little cart ride" .
but i must admit the first character i played was abit of a" Jack of all" the skills. So now when i start up a new character i try to pick how they would... and must admit most times it is the Stormcloaks
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:37 am
by galraen
Second (and really almost simultaneous) run through I went Impy, with, surprise, surprise an Imperial. Most of the quests are of course identical, not sure if that could have been avoided or not.
Third, or fourth time through I played as a Thalmor agent provocateur (High Elf race as Thalmor wasn't an option). Made myself a member of the Thalmor faction and played the role as best I could. Most fun I've had in a game for a long time. Several dilemmas of course, but which side to take in the SC/Impy war was easy; side with the Stormcloaks, break Skyrim from the Empire and the rest, as they say should be history (or Herstory if you prefer), Dominion rules OK.
What to do about the Blades? In the end I decided the Blades, with me at their head would be far more useful to the Dominion than extinguishing them.
Dark Brotherhood; what a bonus; the DB as a tool of the Dominion, and I get to assassinate a certain person!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:48 am
by dragon wench
That one is always a tough one for me. In a way it reminds me of real world conflicts... both sides are somewhat repugnant.
In the end, though, I've almost always went with the Imperials because while the game's opening scene doesn't exactly give you the warm fuzzies toward them, ultimately it are the Thalmor that are the real threat.... Also, if I'm playing a non-Nord character, given the Stormcloak's blatant racism, joining them becomes even less palatable.
All that said, the few times I have sided with the Stormcloak I've found that it's somewhat better done; also, somehow it feels more natural and immersive.
I just wish that the player's role in the Civil War had more actual consequence. As it is, there is no fallout at all, no matter which side you choose.
Not to mention...... If you have completed the DB questline, in my view there is NO WAY you should be allowed to join the Imperials...
Because of that, any characters I create that end up in the DB, always go with the Stormcloaks. Not that I necessarily see the Stormcloaks as "dark," but from a logical consistency standpoint, it just makes more sense to me.
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:35 am
by galraen
To be honest most characters I run through the game don't chose sides at all.