IWD+HoW+TotL Minimal Rest Run {SPOILERS}
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:41 am
-Yxunomei is dead at 10 days 0 hours ingame (8h rested so far), more in 4th post ↓
-Im now at the Lich in Dorn's Deep at 18d 19h (15d 8h travel, 8h rest)...its gotten a lot easier by now (my tanks at lvl 10, the dual/multi classers are at least lvl 8 in everything) so i spare you the details from now on. I still don't think i would have been able to take out Dragon's Eye without resting before though...at least not this year.
- Bronze Sentries were a joke, i let my halfling tank them with 95% slash resist...1-3dmg per hit, ouchy! Rember what kind of dmg the final boss deals...?
- After dashing through chapter 3-5 without much effort im now in lower dorns at 19d 6h (8h rest). Aquarium was cleared, some more info in new post ↓
- Weee! I'm now before the Sea of Moving Ice and just started TotL....some more info....er later maybe (34days 6hours, 26days travel, only resting because of quests (3days) and once to memorize contact other plane for vexing thoughts (i didnt buy the scroll from orrick in time, shame on my planning
...didnt use any spells except 1x PFE 10', 1 Emo:Courage, 1 Emo:Hope)
- It is done - all the Bad Guys are down after 45days 12 hours...2 effective rests...a bit explanation and a little nerdgasm down below
Hey there people,
I'm doing a run of Icewind Dale atm trying to go through with only the absolute mininum amount of resting. The difficulty is insane and every single enemy/quest will be taken out/on along the way. I will travel the least amount possible when completing ALL quests. I wont allow myself to grind by abusing rest, because i already get more xp from insane (+there are more enemies in most encounters) and i simply dont want to click that filthy button
- IWD Fix/Tweak pack
- Unfinished Business (restores some loot removed in how and cut quests, which means potential xp...another reason not to grind)
- Item Upgrade
I use the Tweakpack for higher missile/gem/potion stacks, buyable bags of holding and to give critters maximum hp for their level)
I will use the following party:
Fighter/Druid (half-elf)
Fighter/Mage/Cleric (half-elf LG)
Fighter/Thief (halfling CE)
Bard (half-elf CN)
Fighter/Mage/Cleric (half-elf CE) - he's evil aligned just because i want to see the evil spells for once^^...i wont use high lvl heal spells but more shields of lathander could have been nice...oh well)
All of them have optimized stats and max hp at lvl up is turned on - everyone who can has 18/91+ and everything that could be of use is maxed...the paladin even has a (legit) 18/00 which im pretty happy about since he will be the only one to melee in the first stages of the game. So, i hope this isnt too long to read and probably nobody will care anyway, but i've already written a little log for my progress.
I initially intended to just write down how much ingame and real time the individual parts took and note any rests, but i started adding info about what i was doing pretty soon and now ....well ...i just hope its not too long or bothersome to read . I dont really expect any great interest in this but since its already written i can just as well share it^^. If any of you is interested let me know and i will organize this a bit better and add some info to the starting areas (im not a native speaker/writer btw so pls forgive me any grammar mistakes)
Another thing to note is that this will be a very power gamey run and therefore i will always try to get the best random loot possible for my party ...even if it takes a while
-Yxunomei is dead at 10 days 0 hours ingame (8h rested so far), more in 4th post ↓
-Im now at the Lich in Dorn's Deep at 18d 19h (15d 8h travel, 8h rest)...its gotten a lot easier by now (my tanks at lvl 10, the dual/multi classers are at least lvl 8 in everything) so i spare you the details from now on. I still don't think i would have been able to take out Dragon's Eye without resting before though...at least not this year.
- Bronze Sentries were a joke, i let my halfling tank them with 95% slash resist...1-3dmg per hit, ouchy! Rember what kind of dmg the final boss deals...?
- After dashing through chapter 3-5 without much effort im now in lower dorns at 19d 6h (8h rest). Aquarium was cleared, some more info in new post ↓
- Weee! I'm now before the Sea of Moving Ice and just started TotL....some more info....er later maybe (34days 6hours, 26days travel, only resting because of quests (3days) and once to memorize contact other plane for vexing thoughts (i didnt buy the scroll from orrick in time, shame on my planning
- It is done - all the Bad Guys are down after 45days 12 hours...2 effective rests...a bit explanation and a little nerdgasm down below
Hey there people,
I'm doing a run of Icewind Dale atm trying to go through with only the absolute mininum amount of resting. The difficulty is insane and every single enemy/quest will be taken out/on along the way. I will travel the least amount possible when completing ALL quests. I wont allow myself to grind by abusing rest, because i already get more xp from insane (+there are more enemies in most encounters) and i simply dont want to click that filthy button
- IWD Fix/Tweak pack
- Unfinished Business (restores some loot removed in how and cut quests, which means potential xp...another reason not to grind)
- Item Upgrade
I use the Tweakpack for higher missile/gem/potion stacks, buyable bags of holding and to give critters maximum hp for their level)
I will use the following party:
Fighter/Druid (half-elf)
Fighter/Mage/Cleric (half-elf LG)
Fighter/Thief (halfling CE)
Bard (half-elf CN)
Fighter/Mage/Cleric (half-elf CE) - he's evil aligned just because i want to see the evil spells for once^^...i wont use high lvl heal spells but more shields of lathander could have been nice...oh well)
All of them have optimized stats and max hp at lvl up is turned on - everyone who can has 18/91+ and everything that could be of use is maxed...the paladin even has a (legit) 18/00 which im pretty happy about since he will be the only one to melee in the first stages of the game. So, i hope this isnt too long to read and probably nobody will care anyway, but i've already written a little log for my progress.
I initially intended to just write down how much ingame and real time the individual parts took and note any rests, but i started adding info about what i was doing pretty soon and now ....well ...i just hope its not too long or bothersome to read . I dont really expect any great interest in this but since its already written i can just as well share it^^. If any of you is interested let me know and i will organize this a bit better and add some info to the starting areas (im not a native speaker/writer btw so pls forgive me any grammar mistakes)
Another thing to note is that this will be a very power gamey run and therefore i will always try to get the best random loot possible for my party ...even if it takes a while