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Multiplayer Game WONT Run

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:02 pm
by appo13
Hey Guys!

I got a never seen, weird problem. I always played bg2+tob with several mods without any problems, but now:

I installed bg2+tob+patches+some mods and it doesnt run correcly. Whenever i try to create a Multiplayer OR Singleplayer game, the game crashes. I googled this, but nothing worked. Well, some hours ago i killed my system and installed win xp one more time.

Now i installed SOA + Patch without any other Mods or TOB. Again the game crashes whenever i try to create a game. I have no idea, what to do...

Please help me, I never got Problems with BG2! What happened...

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:54 pm
by appo13
Ok, now the Single Player mod works but MPLAYER still crashes.

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:27 am
by Brevan
I've experienced an issue with Windows 7 where only Multiplayer was broken. In that case you need to run the game in windowed mode and everything will be fine. I've never had a problem in WinXP except that in WinXP Media Center Edition some of the sounds (voices during the cut scenes) have muted segments. Perhaps try Multiplayer in windowed mode and see if that helps. You can toggle windowing using Alt+Enter.

If that doesn't work then I guess it's a case of experimentation:
1) Remove everything
2) Install one thing (BG2, a patch, a mod, ToB, or a ToB patch, etc)
3) Verify that BG2 works with that new thing installed. If it doesn't then start again without installing that thing, or uninstall it if possible and verify that BG2 works again.
4) When you find the problem, Report back here to let people know.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:16 am
by appo13
Hey, thank you for the answer. Game still doesn't work. Even in Window mode (I usually use window mode...)

I removemd everything again as you said. NOW listen:

I installed SOA+ patch + TOB + patch. Game DIDNT work. Then I made some changes in the direct play section and modified random thing in my firewall settings. Now the game WORKED !!! Just a miracle! I was able to create a Multiplayer game. I actually don't know, what I did. I installed the latest direct x version and opened my firewall for bg2 and direct play (or something like this).

Now I carefully began to install things. First I installed the G3-Fixpack. Now the game doenst work again...

I think it has something to do with firewall and/ or direct x / direct play settings but I don't know a lot about these things....

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:04 am
by appo13
I got news: The following massage occured, don't know why it didnt come out before. After some more trys, where the game crashed i got this massage:

"Windows video mode not supported, use <ALT-Tab> to switch to windows".

Nethertheless, using the ALT-Tab combination didnt solve the problem.

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:14 am
by Brevan
appo13 wrote:I installed SOA+ patch + TOB + patch. Game DIDNT work...changes in the direct play Test BG2! ... and firewall settings... I was able to create a Multiplayer game. ...installed the latest direct x version Test BG2! and opened my firewall for bg2 and direct play Test BG2! ...installed the doesn't work.
I understand you were able to get the un-modded version of the game working, excellent. It is a bit hard for me to understand some of your problems, but I think when you say something didn't work, you mean that creating a multiplayer game causes BG2 to crash, right? When you say crash, you mean the game closes but did not freeze, right?

If you want to try again to determine the source of your problem, then it's really important to make only one change before testing if that change is causing a problem. Do not change so many things that when you find out that the game doesn't work you can not tell which of the things caused the problem. Although it takes a long time to test things this way, it is pretty much your only option when no one else knows the cause of the problem.

Please consider if this information is helpful:
  1. Firewall software prevents communication between computers. When you open your firewall (or "forward" a port) you are allowing communication for that program to any computer on the Internet. A firewall is a common problem for multiplayer games, but usually doesn't cause the game to crash. I suppose anything's possible with a bit of poor programming, including game-freezing. A common symptom if the firewall is blocking the game is that the game might appear to freeze for 60 seconds when searching for another computer to talk to.
  2. DirectX is a set of pre-made components many game developers use to standardize their games. It is very important for proper game function, so most games ship with and install the necessary version of DirectX they need. If there were a problem with this, then it could certainly cause the game to crash. Installing a later version of DirectX should be fine, but there is a chance that a component was removed so your game would crash when it tried to use that component.
  3. DirectPlay is an example of a component of DirectX that was removed in later versions. If you are only using this for voice communication through the game, then consider running a different program, such as Skype, instead. Consider text communication in-game, it's good for building finger muscles and patience.
From what you've written, it sounds like the G3-Fixpack, latest DirectX, or Firewall changes caused your problems, and that the original un-modded version of the game doesn't work without changes to the Firewall or DirectPlay (I couldn't find this, did you install it separately?) settings. If you try again to solve the problem, then test that the game is working before you install the G3-Fixpack. If it really is the mod causing the problem, then you should find a tech-support area of that mod to ask for assistance.
appo13 wrote:I got news: The following massage occured, don't know why it didnt come out before. After some more trys, where the game crashed i got this massage:

"Windows video mode not supported, use <ALT-Tab> to switch to windows".

Nethertheless, using the ALT-Tab combination didnt solve the problem.
Use the BGConfig program in the installation folder to test video modes before running them in the game. If the config program shows your mode as okay, then the error message may have been in error.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:03 pm
by appo13
Well, I removed everything and Installed SOA+patch+TOB+patch.

Game doenst work correclty. I see that I should have better described the things better. When I say, "crashing" it means that the game "FREEZES"! It does NOT close. That was a communication problem. I tried to create a Multiplayer game now, but it doenst work, the game freezes and doesn't react anymore. I can close the game by pressing the "X" button. If I want to try to start the game again nothing works. I always have to restart windows.

Now didn't make any changes. Just 1 thing: When firewall asked me to block BG2 or not, is declared BG2 as an exception, so Firewall shouldn't block BG2.