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Seducing Juhani?

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:29 am
by Little Nemo
I have played the game through seven times, always as a female, yet only once (or was it twice) have I succeeded in getting Juhani to confess her love for me. Is there some secret formula for seducing her? Do you have to succeed in persuading her she's beautiful in your first encounter with her? True, both Juhani's face and her personality are an acquired taste, but since seducing her that one time, I now find it depressing when no matter how many times I talk to her, she just asks "What is it you would like to talk to me about," and I embarrassedly reply, "Nothing for now. Perhaps later." It's that old "the fish that got away" phenomenon, you know? :(

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:35 am
by Little Nemo
Non sequitur, but I find the only character portrait I really like is the Black woman with the ponytail. The white woman with the really short hair is also all right. The only Asian character who doesn't look like s/he has Down's syndrome is the woman with the red ribbon in her hair. The men are all just *yick* to me. Half the characters, both male and female, look like some kind of Hitler Youth. o_O

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:40 am
by Tricky
I recall trying to trigger her confessions to my female PC, but I never managed to do it. Not a single guide seemed to be correct on this, so I just assumed the relating scripts were a bit broken.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:49 am
by Il_Padrino
There actually IS a formula. Her "relationship" conversations are triggered by a mixture of "normal" conversations, whether you've gone up a level since you last spoke to her, and how many Star Maps you've found. It's extremely finicky and very easy to screw up. But basically you don't want to advance her "normal" conversations (the ones that lead to triggering her personal sidequest with Xor) too far beyond the "relationship" conversation, as it will eventually close off to you.

You can tell the difference between the types of conversations as the ones leading to Xor will update your journal, while the relationship dialogues will not.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:55 am
by Il_Padrino
Ok, here's an ancient post from one of the developers that should walk you through it:

Peter Thomas

Joined: 22 May 2002 Posted: Tuesday, 27 January 2004 11:41AM Ok, here is The List.
This is the outline of Juhani's plot.

She has two series of stories, her History ones, and her Personal ones.

The history ones are very linear. There are 7 of them, so basically you need 6 levels to hear all of her History stories.

Her Personal stories are a little different. They are based on levels, the progression in her History, and the number of star maps the player has.

The first time you talk to her, she'll apologize for what she did. If the character is female, the uh... "special" variable will be set to true.


When you talk to her again, the option 'How did you come to be a Jedi?' will be available. This is H1.

Once you have gained a level, the option 'Tell me more about your past.' will be available. This is H2.
She will open with 'Well... I suppose I have
not talked very much about the Jedi I met back home.'.

Once you have gained a level, she should open with 'Yes? What is it?'. The option 'Is something wrong?' will be available. This is H3. She will open with 'I... have been bothered by something of late...'.

Once you have gained a level, she should open with 'Yes? What is it?'. The option 'Is something wrong?' will be available. This is H4. She will open with 'I was remembering Taris...'.

Once you have gained a level, she will be back to her normal dialogue. The option 'Tell me more about your past.' will be available. This is H5. She will open with 'Well, I mentioned before that my parents had fled to Taris. Perhaps I can tell you about that.'.

Once you have gained a level, the option 'What happened after your father died?' will be available.
This is H6.

Once you have gained another level, but ONLY if you haven't collected 4 star maps, the option 'Tell me more about your past.' will be available. This is H7.She will open with 'I have told you my life story already, what more could you possibly want to know? Well... there is one thing...'.

This is the end of her History stories.


The very first apology she give you when you talk to her the first time after she joins your party is P1.

When you talk to her again, the option 'Are you doing alright?' will be available. This is P2.
She will open with 'I... I thank you for your concern, but I am still a bit shaken.'.

Once you have at least 2 star maps, the option 'What are you thinking about?' will be available.
This is P3. She will open with 'I have been thinking much about our journey, and I am grateful and honored that you have accepted me with you.'.

Once you have H3, the option 'What are you thinking about?' will be available. This is P4.
She will open with 'Taris was my home for many years. As much as I hated it, it was still home.'.

Once you have gained a level, the option 'Are you doing alright?' will be available. This is P6.
She will open with 'I have been doing well, I suppose. As well as I can. But I am more interested
in you right now.'.

Once you have at least 3 star maps, she will open with one of 3 unique phrases 'I have been
watching you... and I cannot help but feel that you are becoming more distant.' (if darkside),
'I... I have been watching you for some time. I wonder if you have noticed.' (if lightside),
or 'I have been thinking about our journey together, and how we are more similar than I had first thought.'
(if neutral). This is P7.

Once you have killed Xor, and are on the Unknown World after having driven off Bastila, she will open with 'This may be the last time I will have a chance to talk to you...'.
This is P11.

This is all that remains of her Personal stories.


Once you have had P7, Xor will spawn in at a messenger trigger, then run away after talking to Juhani.

The next time you come back, he will attack with some thugs. He will have a death speech.

That is all for Xor.

And the fact that Juhani say "I only wish I had your heart" to a male character... well...
that's a bug. :/ Can't get everything... and can't re-record either.

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:14 am
by Little Nemo
Wow! Il Padrino, thank you! I'm still not sure I fully understand that walkthrough, but I'll read it over carefully. So I basically got lucky that one time, I suppose. It never occurred to me that it could be that complicated. It's almost like falling in love in real life! LOL I've just started my eighth game, and am still on Taris. This time I'll make sure I do everything according to that walkthrough! :cool:

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:07 am
by Tricky
Even with that guide, I'd be really careful. I'm pretty sure I tried to use the exact same text before, to no avail.
It's almost like falling in love in real life!
Falling in love is the easy part. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:58 am
by Il_Padrino
The guide is a little tough to make sense of. The gist of it is that you should parcel out the conversations you have with her carefully. My rule of thumb was not to progress the Xor conversation (what were called the "Histories") without advancing the Personal conversations first. It's been a while since I've played the Juhani romance out, but I think if I'd managed to get to "Taris was my home for many years ... " it usually worked out all right.

And Tricky is 100% right: this is easy to mess up even with the guide. There are rumors -- kindly remember this is from forum discussions from 8 or 9 years ago, so the details are fuzzy -- that Juhani barely made it into the game, and was in fact completely excised at one point before being restored at the last minute, hence her conversation tree and her personal quest being so buggy. The rumor was that LucasArts flipped out at the notion of a gay Star Wars character, and so not only was it a fight to get her back into the game but the already low-key romance was made highly difficult to achieve.

I have no beef against LucasArts or BioWare, and I think getting the torches and pitchforks out over a fictional character's sexuality is about the silliest use of one's time imaginable, but these are the rumors that were floating around almost a decade ago, as near as I can recall.