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I need good characters combo

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:16 pm
by RiseofBane
I am thinking about making new characters and almost finished with Ch 6 of Icewind Dale.
I really didn't pay attention to making most effective characters since there are always ways to adapt to the game with ineffective characters.

But little things started to bugging me, for example my half druid character (Jaheira) will never get the revive spells even if her current level is level 14 and it is really painful to go back to Kuldahar everytime somebody dies.

Anyway I am going to make party of 5, or 6, and I really don't know which characters are good, although from what I've read, half fighter/cleric, bard/mage, paladin works good. I am not really big fan of bards and honestly don't know what makes them valuable.

I would appreciate if you experts can list good characters and I will try to follow the advice.


Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:08 am
by GawainBS
There are plenty of threads with party advice, lots on the first page even. I suggest you go through those. Bards are valuable because they unlock early access to Wizard spells, their Bard songs, and ability to wield some of the best weapons in the game. A nice bonus is their high lore, which means easy identification of all the items you'll find.
Couple of things to keep in mind: make sure that all your characters have 18 (or 19) DEX, 16 CON for non-warriors, 18 (19) for warriors and 18 STR for non-warriors and 18/51+ for warriors. 18 WIS for divine casters, 18 INT for arcane casters, one character with 18 CHA for buying & selling. It's worth it to reroll a couple of minutes to get the right stats.
My six-man party:
  1. Human Paladin; Longsword
  2. Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric; Warhammers or Maces
  3. Half-Elf Bard; Crossbows
  4. Dwarf Fighter/Thief; Shortswords or Axes
  5. Human Fighter 9 -> dualled to Mage; 5 stars in Bows
  6. Human Fighter 9 -> dualled to Druid; 5 stars in Slings or Scimitars/Daggers (Depends on wether or not you want to melee with this one)
This party can do all the quests, use all the items and has access to all the spells. Dualling over to Mage & Druid means that in the (harder) beginning parts, you've extra solid hitting power in the form of fighters. By the time you need the extra spells, their other classes are picking up. Meanwhile, you've got basic spells covered by the Ranger/Cleric & Bard.
Be sure that number 5 starts with 18 INT as well, and number 6 with 18 WIS & 15 CHA, to be able to dual over.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:44 pm
by RiseofBane
sounds great, but I haven't finished chapter 6 yet.
Question is if I start Trials of Luremaster or Heart of the winter, does characters start from level 1? or does it continue using previous characters from IWD without having to import them?

fyi: my characters are already above level 13+.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:28 am
by GawainBS
I don't see what having or having not finished chapter 6 has to do with this. You play Heart of Winter & Trials with the same characters you've been playing IWD with. Afterwards, you continue with them in IWD.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:21 am
by RiseofBane
because i am going to replace all my characters with new ones.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:52 am
by GawainBS
Still not making sense. Why would you replace your experienced crew with lvl 1 characters near the end of the game? Just start a new game then. :-s

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:36 am
by RiseofBane
I see why you are confused. I can make high level characters.