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My HotU DD/Fighter/CoT

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:27 pm
by Claudius
S 17 - strength at all level ups
D 13
C 16
I 14
W 8
Ch 6

1: fighter (F) 1: exotic weapon proficiency, weapon focus Katana
2 F 2: power attack
3 F3: cleave
4 F4: weapon specialization Katana (str 18)
5 F5
6 F6: dodge, toughness
7 F7
8 Dwarven Defender 1(DD) (str 19)
9 DD 2: improved critical Katana
10 DD3
11 DD4
12 DD5: Knockdown (str 20)
13 DD6
Here is where SoU ended and HotU began

14 DD7
15 DD8: blindfighting
16 DD9 (str 21)
17 DD10
18 Champion of Torm (CoT) 1: Improved Knockdown
19 CoT 2: Great Cleave
20 CoT3 (str 22)
21 CoT4: great strength I (23), epic weapon focus
22 F 8: epic weapon specialization
23 DD 11
24 DD 12: great strength II (25)
25 DD 13
26 DD 14: overwhelming critical
27 DD 15: devestating critical
28 DD 16 (str 26)
29 DD 17
30 DD 18: armor skin, great strength IV (27)
31 DD 19
32 DD 20 (str 28)
33 DD 21
34 DD 22: , epic toughness, epic prowess


discipline 37
lore 37
spellcraft 18 (36)
tumble 18 (36)

I might not make it to so high a level. strength 28, Damage Reduction 15, no flanking or reducing dodge, epic weapon specialization, epic weapon focus, armor skin, epic prowess, devestating critical!!!.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:56 am
by Myrr Disparo
Claudius wrote:(...) 27 DD 15: devestating critical
(...) devestating critical!!!.
Now, scottg could probably correct me on this, but my thinking is that, if you're going the dev crit route, a scimitar (or kukri, but scimitar is cheaper + more damaging), is the optimal weapon choice. Admittedly, dual-wield would be even stronger, specially with HotU weapon enchanting, but until you get there, you'd be better served by a shield. Don't quote me on that, though, just a first impression

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:05 am
by GawainBS
Myrr Disparo wrote:Now, scottg could probably correct me on this, but my thinking is that, if you're going the dev crit route, a scimitar (or kukri, but scimitar is cheaper + more damaging), is the optimal weapon choice. Admittedly, dual-wield would be even stronger, specially with HotU weapon enchanting, but until you get there, you'd be better served by a shield. Don't quote me on that, though, just a first impression

True, especially given that Keen & Improved Critical stack, thus enhancing the Scimitar's strong suit of a wider crit threat range. The average 2 points of extra damage of the Katana don't even come close. Scimitar also saves you a feat.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:01 pm
by Claudius
Dual wield in HotU has the problem that you have to pay enchants to two weapons. Yeah scimitar might be better. Too late.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:39 pm
by Myrr Disparo
Claudius wrote:Dual wield in HotU has the problem that you have to pay enchants to two weapons.
Claudius wrote:pay

Money, however, like in most RPG's is no object. Don't use XP for something you can get with money is kind of a golden rule of RPG-playing, isn't it? And that's usually because you'll have tons more than enough money
Edit: Of course, three feats are a bit of expense, level wise

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:53 pm
by Claudius
Money is an issue in HotU. Buying things is expensive. I doubt you can make 1 keen, max electrical damage, +10 enhancement weapon let alone 2.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:54 pm
by Claudius
For some reason I can't edit my post. So I double post. For shame :oops:

Also it causes you to spec points in dex instead of strength and eats 3 feats. 4 feats if you use a double headed exotic weapon.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:55 am
by Myrr Disparo
Claudius wrote:Money is an issue in HotU. Buying things is expensive. I doubt you can make 1 keen, max electrical damage, +10 enhancement weapon let alone 2.
Really? Weird. I always have enough money to enchant, at least, two weapons, possibly three. I go acid damage, keen, +10. I usually swap the acid damage for haste in the off-hand, if I'm dual wielding. If I remember correctly, it's been many years since I last played
Also, never, ever use a double-sided weapon. They are VERY bad. If you're going dual wield, use scimitars or kukris, depending on your willingness to take the attack penalty for dual-wielding two medium sized weapons.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:54 am
by GawainBS
Claudius wrote:Money is an issue in HotU. Buying things is expensive. I doubt you can make 1 keen, max electrical damage, +10 enhancement weapon let alone 2.

You can easily make one. Two would be harder, if not impossible.