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keep encountering the same monsters

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 6:51 am
by DragonLord
In level 2 of the catacombs I keep encountering the same monsters at several places of the map. Each time it is exactly the same: same number of monsters, same composition of the group of monsters and same place on the map.

Is there anyone who has had a similar experience and is this a bug in the game?

I haven't encountered anything like this on any other level I have been.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 3:53 am
by kemton
I don't suppose your talking about a lich or archlich? If you are, you'll encounter them over and over again until you break their little box. All boxes for the lichs are within a couple of rooms distant from where they are. The boxes look just like the small crate boxes, but have a different description when right-clicking on them.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 4:52 am
by DragonLord
No, that is not what I'm talking about. It is always a group of monsters (be it drow or Orogs or arraccat) and if I remember correctly, it always takes place outside rooms, when I am wondering from one end of the map to another.

The boxes you discribe I did come across those and destroyed them (you don't get any xp from killing a lich or archlich if you didn't destroy the box that goes with it!), so that can't be the problem. Installing the patches doesn't fix this problem either.

But thanks anyway for your reply.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:27 am
by dreedfull
Yes i have had same experiance both some zombies and a cult mage comes back at the same places several times

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:42 am
by davkel
Wandering monsters? If you've saved just prior to seeing them, try reloading and are they still there? Just a thought

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:47 am
by DragonLord
Nothing like that actually. Even when I'm playing the game without saving in between, I keep encountering these monsters at several places on the map almost every time I come by that place.

There is even one place where I come out of a room, encounter a group of monsters, defeat them, go back in the room and rest, go out again an the very same group of monsters is also back again.
And this seems to continue endlessly.

Only advantage here is that it is an easy way toboost your caracters xp. Now I'm exploring the prison area (level4 of catacombs) and my caracters are level 21-22 already.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 8:34 am
by Bunny
I had the same experience with the monsters appearing over and over again at the same place every time you re-enter the area or just rested. Great for gaining experience but a pain in the back if you have just finished a hard battle and need some healing and recharging of spells. I'm currently finishing off 2nd level catacombs and this is the area where it happens. BTW, how did you mangae to get your characters to level 22 at level 4 catacomb stage. You must have killed the baddies repeatedly over 100 times!!

Bunny :)